Secrets & Eavesdropping (April 1919)

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"Downton is not a hostel," she heard Carson's voice. The butler's office door was wide open. From her position on the kitchen counter, she could eavesdrop on the conversation perfectly without really wanting to listen. Not that she enjoys eavesdropping.

"No, Mister Carson," Thomas whispered.

"And you were so insistent on no longer being a servant, that still rings in our ears."

"The problem is..." Thomas glanced over to the kitchen, "...I'm a bit short on cash at the moment."

"I can't say that it particularly touched me when you dabbled in the black market."

"I just need a little more time, Mister Carson," Thomas pleaded.

"How long has it been since the last patient left here, Sergeant? You are pushing the limits of our generosity," now Carson looked over to the kitchen, "I think we're even."

"I'll try to be useful," Thomas begged desperately.

"Find somewhere else to go," Carson ended the conversation.

Emma knocked gently on Lady Sybil's door. "Come in," a gentle voice called from inside. Emma cautiously opened the door and entered the elegant room. It was adorned with fine furniture and pretty vases of flowers. A delicate smile crossed Emma's face as she looked around. The room was incredibly large and beautiful.

Lady Sybil sat by the window, gazing out at the pouring rain. When she noticed Emma, she turned to her with a smile. "Hello, Emma. What brings you to me?"

Emma approached hesitantly. She had never been in Lady Sybil's room before.

"Take a seat," Lady Sybil smiled. Emma nodded shyly and sat down on one of the cozy chairs.

"Would you like some?" Sybil asked, offering Emma the plate with a pastry filled with jam.

Emma nodded enthusiastically, "Thank you, Lady Sybil. Do you want to play with me?"

"What would you like to play?"

Emma shrugged. There were no dollhouses or other toys in Lady Sybil's room. And she highly doubted that Lady Sybil would want to roam around the servants' attic when she had such a splendid room.

"How about playing with your dollhouse?" she suggested. The 7-year-old often raved about her dollhouse, not least because it was not a conventional dollhouse but an idea of Thomas to create a space-saving version in the dresser. Lady Sybil had frequently asked her father to give Thomas and Emma a bigger room or two separate rooms. She even suggested that Emma could have the old playroom of the Crawley sisters, but her suggestions fell on deaf ears with Lord Grantham. They were already generous enough to let a child live with the servants.

"I can bring everything here if you like," Emma agreed.

Lady Sybil shook her head, "How about you show me your room, and on the way there, I'll show you a secret passage."

Emma was curious and excited at the same time. A secret passage? That sounded thrilling! She nodded eagerly and stood up, ready to follow Lady Sybil. Together, they left the elegant room and walked along the long corridor. Lady Sybil led Emma to a hidden door, concealed behind a painting. With a soft click, the door opened, and they entered a narrow passage.

"Wow! It's like being in an adventure book!" Emma whispered in awe.

"Yes, that's exactly how it feels," Lady Sybil confirmed with a mischievous smile. "This secret passage is our little secret, alright?"

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