Bedtime Stories (Spring 1920)

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AN: Hi everyone! Due to my vacation I am not able to upload the next chapter until the 29th of september. So here is a little chapter with a short flashback to summer 1917. Thank you all for your comment! Do you have any wishes for Emma being the flower girl?


On a stormy evening, as the rain beat against the windows and the lightning illuminated the sky, 5-year-old Emma lay anxiously in her bed. The thunder outside sent shivers down her spine. With each flash of lightning, she buried herself under her blanket. With each clap of thunder, she jolted upright.

"Daddy!" Emma cried out loudly, "Daddy!" But there was no response.

She remained alone in the bedroom. Emma reached for her stuffed toy and stepped onto the hallway floor with bare feet. It was pitch dark, and the light switch was out of her reach.

It was the head housemaid, Anna, who eventually made her way to check on the girl - knowing of her intense fear of thunderstorms. She flicked on the light and saw the tear-stained face of the child.

"Emma, I'm here," she spoke gently, crouching down to her eye level. "Don't be afraid, I'm with you now." Anna's hand gently brushed away the tears on Emma's cheek.

"May I stay with you, Anna?" she asked hopefully. Anna nodded, "Of course!"

"Good to see you here, Anna," praised Mrs. Hughes as she entered through the connecting door that separated the ladies from the gentlemen.

"I did tell you, Mrs. Hughes," Anna said accusingly as she gently stroked the girl's back, "Can't you see he neglects her? He's never there for her."

Mrs. Hughes shook her head, "He was in the war, Anna. He's only been back for a week. How could he possibly know she's afraid of storms?"

"He would know if he were ever there for her," she said, "Good parents would know," before she moderated her tone and turned to the little girl with gentle words, "It's alright, Emma." With her thumb, she wiped the tears from Emma's cheek, "I'm here now."

"I'll go fetch Thomas," said Mrs. Hughes, but Anna shook her head, "Leave it be, Mrs. Hughes. Emma will spend the night with me."

Just as she had finished reading Emma a bedtime story, there was a knock at the door. The person didn't even wait for an invitation but barged right into the room.


"Sergeant Barrow for you," he said curtly.

Anna rolled her eyes, "What are you doing here in the ladies' quarters?"

"I'm here to get my daughter," he declared and stepped closer to the bed.

"She just fell asleep a few moments ago," Anna whispered angrily.

"But in the wrong room," Thomas grinned mischievously.

"Emma wants to stay here," she argued, trying to prevent Thomas from reaching for his daughter.

"But I don't want that," Thomas replied.

"This has been her room for years. You can't just show up and disrupt her life overnight. Please, Thomas, let Emma stay here."

"I was in the war, Anna!" he hissed softly, "I certainly didn't leave my child behind for fun."

"Thomas, you know what I mean."

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