Suddenly, the house filled with a multitude of guests. However, only a few maids and valets arrived with them. It seemed that the upper crust society hadn't brought their servants along. Emma could scarcely recall times when the servants' corridors and the Crawleys' house had been so crowded nonetheless. The last time it had been this full was during the convalescent home days, when the estate had housed wounded soldiers.
Emma tried to make her way through the crowded hallway. Maids, footmen, hallboys, and housemaids bustled around her, their hands full of luggage. The noise level rose as Mr. Carson, Mrs. Hughes, and Mrs. Patmore gave their instructions and the servants tried to carry out their tasks. Amidst this bustle, Emma heard a stranger speaking to Anna.
"Do you know where Lord Gillingham's room is?" the servant asked.
"A housemaid is upstairs with a list. She'll show you," Anna replied politely, with a reassuring smile.
"See, you have an answer for everything," the servant remarked admiringly.
"I suspect you do too, Mr. Gillingham," Anna replied, smiling, before her gaze fell on Emma. "Where are you off to?"
"Harris Farm. Can you tell Dad? I can't find him," Emma asked somewhat impatiently.
"He's upstairs. I'll let him know, but you know you need to be back in time for dinner," Anna explained.
Emma rolled her eyes and sighed. "I'm always on time," she replied defiantly and disappeared through the door.
Next day Emma sat in the kitchen. There was a flurry of activity. Amidst the steaming pots and pans, the cooks and kitchen assistants moved in a veritable dance of chopping, roasting, and stirring.
"Mr. Molesley, what are you doing here?" Daisy wondered.
"Mrs. Patmore ordered something from Mr. Bakewell. It's urgent," Molesley explained nervously.
Mrs. Patmore raised a skeptical eyebrow. "What's going on, Mr. Molesley? You're delivering for Bakewell now?"
"I occasionally help out until something else comes up," Molesley said.
"So you're a delivery boy now?" Daisy remarked with a hint of disdain. He lowered his gaze but seemed determined to maintain his dignity.
"No, no, Daisy. There's no shame in hard work for anyone," Mrs. Patmore replied calmly. "You sit down here, Mr. Molesley, and I'll bring you some tea," Mrs. Patmore decided with a friendly smile before turning to fetch the teapot. A footman came and took the food box Molesley had delivered. Afterward, Molesley sat down at the small table where Emma was also sitting, observing the activity in the kitchen.
"Mr. Molesley, do you have time to help me with a history essay for school?" Emma asked, seeing his presence as an opportunity for support.
Molesley turned his gaze to Emma and smiled gently. "I'll be happy to help you later," he promised before turning his attention back to the activity in the kitchen.
Mr. Molesley stood in the doorway to the boot room, where the male servants were gathered. "Apparently, he's made a fortune off Sir John Bullock," Mr. Green grinned.
"What about your employer?" Bates asked, polishing his lordship's shoes.
"His lordship is too smart for that. He got out in time", Mr. Green explained.
"I heard something different," Thomas chimed in, exhaling cigarette smoke from his lungs.
"What were you playing?" Alfred asked curiously.

Downton Abbey - The Story of Emma Barrow
FanfictionMarch 1912 - a baby is abandoned at the doors of Downton Abbey. Servant Thomas Barrow agrees to claim paternity for the foundling. The story mainly revolves around Thomas and his daughter, but the other characters also play a role in every chapter...