meeting the heroes

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Dick was in his uniform, he had Wing wrapped around his shoulder, as he guarded Penguin. Wing's collar however had changed, it was all black this time. It still had the golden bell, but her nameplate was changed as well. Penguin was talking to one of the organizers, before Dick tapped his shoulder, "Hey Oz, I'm gonna scope the place out, i'll be back before you go on." The stubble man nodded and continued his conversation.

The place was literally underground, but surprisingly it was very big. In the middle of the room was the stage it was like a theater, the seats slowly climbed up. Dick walked into the staff room "Hi, i'm one of the volunteers," He said. "Great, what's your name?" The manager asked. "Grayson," Dick replied. He was a little shocked that worked.

"Well Grayson take this and change into it, it's your uniform," The man handed him a neat folded pile of clothes, he took it and began changing. "Your job is too take drink orders from the bidders and serve drinks," The man handed Dick a tablet and a scanner. "You enter the order on the tablet then scan their mask, their order will be in your name and yes you have to come back and get the drinks. Any questions?" 

Dick shook his head and took the things, "No sir." "Oh and leave the cat," The manager said. "Sorry sir it's my service animal I can't go anywhere without it," Dick replied. "Oh uh okay, carry on."


'Any sight of the subjects?' Batman or Eric Johnson asked in the mindlink. 'No'  'No'  Conner caught a glimpse of something moving behind the curtain he used his enhanced vision and zoomed in, 'I have eyes on Penguin, he's behind the curtain.' 'Is anyone with him?'  Conner switched to infrared vision and looked at the curtain, he saw two heat signatures, one being Penguin's. "Yeah, I don't know who though,'   Conner confirmed. 'Keep an eye on him, any eyes on Renegade?' Batman said. Renegade was not in sight, but the kryptonite was messing with Conner's brain.


Wally was leaning against a railing, letting his eyes wander. "Excuse me sir." Wally followed the voice, it was a boy, who was a little shorter than him but lean. "Yeah?" Wally asked. "Can I interest you in an energy drink or a coffee?" The boy asked. "Oh cool, what do you have?"Wally asked. 

"We have Monster, Celcius, Rockstar, Bang, Ghost, C4, Rein, Super fuel, those are the ones I know off the top of my head, but we basically have every type of energy drink there is, for coffee we can make anything you want," The boy responded. 'They serve energy drinks!' 'Ooh what do they have?' Zatanna asked. 'Literally everything!' 

"I'll get 2 monsters," Wally responded. "Of course and what are the flavors?" "Whatever you recommend." "Okay, i'll just have to scan your mask please hold still," Dick informed, "All done, it'll be right out Mr. Lee," The boy said, which made Wally sulk about his name. "Please call me Rowan." "Of course Mr. Rowan."


The boy came back with the drinks in champagne glasses, "Enjoy Mr. Rowan." "Thanks uh." "Grayson." Dick responded. "Grayson...and what about this little guy?" Wally asked. "This is Nova," Dick responded. "Thanks Grayson, oh and you to Nova." Dick smiled and began walking away.

"Cute guy Wing, what do you think?" Dick asked his cat, walking away. "Meow." "You wanna bet?" "Meow." "Okay, I bet you 3 treats and your choice of 1 human food that I can't do him." Dick said. "Meow meow-meow meow." "I know that's what makes it harder, he's a hero, pretty cool huh? That means I have a whole lot of time to  get in his pants, whad'ya say?"  "Meow-meow. Meow meow mew." "Fine, 5 treats." "Meow." "Deal. Now let's go meet the other heroes."


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