scaredy cat

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It was a quiet morning in Bludhaven, the birds chirping, wind blowing, the sound of cars driving by in the distance, oh and a meowing cat.

"Meow!!" Nightwing pressed her paws on Dick's face. "Stop..." Dick groaned, not wanting to be waken. "Meowww!" "No, Wing, go outside or something," Dick rolled over and pushed the cat off of him.

Nightwing fell off the bed and gave Dick a sour look. She let out a growl and made her way to the kitchen. Wing jumped onto the counter and grabbed a small remote in her mouth, with her teeth she clicked the button causing her collar to change, it was now that all black collar, with a gold bell, and the name 'Nova' plastered on it.

With that she made her way back to their room and jumped out the open window.


Wally was sent out by the team to grab some food, before their next mission. He was walking along the sidewalk, head buried in his phone. "Burritos, pizza, or chinese food? Hmm...I'll just get all three."


Wally had 3 pizza boxes balanced in his hands along with a couple of bags of chinese take out. The red headed hero pushed on the door to the burrito shop with his back. "Hello!" The guy working the counter welcomed.

Wally put the food on a nearby table and made his way to the counter. He didn't fail to notice the black cat that was had a spot on the counter, licking themself clean.

"Um isn't that a bit... unsanitary?" Wally shared his concern, pointing at the cat, who glared at him sourly. "Oh I'm sorry, she'll be on her way very soon, what can I get you?"He assured. "Sorry, can I get..."


Wally sat at his table waiting for his food, he was sweating uncomfortably, as the cat stared at him, not taking her eyes off of the red head.

"Here you go girl, see you next time, tell Grayson I said hi!" The cashier handed a bag to the cat, he waved at her as she slowly walked over to a open window, not taking her eyes off the hero till all the way out. "Grayson... Where have I heard that name?" He muttered to himself. 

"For Wally?"


The hero was on his way to the hotel the team was staying at, when he saw a familiar patch of fur. The cat growled and disappeared into an alleyway. A little spooked, Wally sped walked away. The red head felt like he was going crazy as he walked to the hotel he kept seeing that same black patch of fur in the corner of his eye. It was the last turn towards the hotel and he could've sworn he saw the cat.

Wally sped the hotel, being careful of dropping the food, but then he saw it again, the cat, licking its paws, showing off a claw while staring into the hero's eyes. Wally shivered and made his way to the elevator "Meow!" Wally began clicking the close button but unfortunately for Wally, Nightwing was able to slide in before the doors closed.


Wally awkwardly stood in the corner of the elevator, not wanting to aggravate Wing. The little villain jumped on the railing and clicked one of the buttons, the top one, Wally was heading there too. This was gonna be a longgg ride. Wally pushed himself further into the corner of the little box room. 


Now, while this long awkward elevator ride poor Wally has to endure, let's talk about why our favorite villain cat Nightwing is here. 

Dick and Wing's home is based in Bludhaven. Bludhaven is barely touched by villains solely because of their fear of Dick. Dick was only staying at the hotel because of another mission with Ozzie, but Dick thinks it's just to keep an eye on him because of the said redhead in the elevator. 

Now Dick did want to stay at home, he didn't mind going across the city back and forth, but Wing didn't want to deal with all that, so they decided to hit up one of their friends and book a room, lucky for them their friend was glad to hear from them and decided to hook them up with one of the most expensive rooms, at the top. 

Okay let's go back to the ride.


The hot boxes were burning Wally's hands as he waited for the doors to open. "Please..." He muttered, regretting taking the elevator.

Finally the elevator doors opened, Wally was quick to get out and sped walk to his room, but he heard small footsteps behind him, he shivered and shoved his hands in his pocket for his keycard, the footsteps were getting louder. 

His card wasn't in his pocket, Wally began aggressively banging on the door, scared for his life. "Wally wha-" The redhead pushed Artemis out of the way and slammed the door behind him. "That fucking cat man!" Wally said in between gasps. "What cat? What are you talking about?" Artemis asked, visibly annoyed, with folded arms.

Without answering he shoved the food at Artemis and peeked out the peephole. He watched as the cat stopped in front of the team's door, and started licking herself again. Wally hid himself out of view by pushing his back onto the wall.  

"The cat- he's following me!"  Annoyed, Artemis put the food on the table and opened the door. "Stop your bitching, there's no cat out here," she said. 

Wally peeked his head out, looking side to side, a door at the end of the hallway just closing. Breathing heavily, the redhead went to get some fresh air on the balcony, believing he was safe. "Meow~" Wally jumped, running inside shutting the door and hiding in a corner. Poor Walls spent the rest of the night awake, scared shitless.


Wing held her paw to her mouth silently laughing at the redhead. "What's so funny?" Dick asked, making himself a cup of coffee. Wing shook her head and jumped onto the counter. Dick grabbed a carton of goat milk from the fridge and poured in into a small bowl for Nightwing. "Someone had a fun morning."


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