interrogation time but not really

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The drive in the Bioship was insufferable, even though Dick had a bag over his head and he was tied by the hands and feet, it didn't stop him from making conversation. "You know you guys are kinda boring, how do you live like this?" Dick asked, it was totally silent around him, but he could sense that there was 7 people were there. They had taken all his weapons and gear or at least that's what the hero's thought.

"It's not me y'all but it smells like a fish market down here, someone needs to close their legs," He scrunched his nose in disgust. Kaldur's mouth dropped, "I'll have you know that Poseidon's Charm is one of the most popular scents in Oceana." "Oh shit, i'm sorry. I am so so sorry. I really didn't know," Dick flushed with embarrassment."Poseidon must not get many girls then huh," He whispered to himself.

Wally and Artemis were in the back holding their stomachs in the back trying not to laugh.  "Renegade, what is the light?" Batman asked sternly. "How tf would I know? You literally crashed the party before J could explain it dumbass," Ren rolled his eyes from inside the bag. Batman was silent and a little dumbfounded. Little giggles were quickly shut down by Batman's glare. 

"No words? Shoulda thought about that big B," Renegade giggled.  "We're here," Batman said, a little embarrassed, "Take Renegade to the room." "Ooh kinkyy, me and you will have tons of fun in there, huh carrots?" Wally was too flushed to respond, he lowered his head trying to hide his pink face. Artemis laughed loudly, "Is that your boyfriend huh, KF." "Shut up!"


Kid Flash, took Renegade to the interrogation room, but this time it was extremely awkwardly quiet. Ren wasn't talking at all. Batman, Mgann, Canary, and Red Tornado were on the other side of a double sided mirror, the other side of that mirror is the interrogation room Renegade and KF were heading to now. "Holo, text slade," Ren whispered as quiet as possible. 

Even though Batman had taken all his gear he didn't take his domino mask and in his mask has a mic connected to his hologlove and a ton of other percs that he can't use because he has a bag on his head."What was that?" KF asked. The villain didn't respond. "Feed, Wing and don't buy her anything from the fucking gas station like last time Slade," Renegade whisper-yelled.

"Sorry, did you say anything?" "What, no. You're fucking crazy Carrots,"Ren said, hearing a little ding, meaning the message had sent."No I- nevermind," The redhead pouted, I could've sworn he said something, am I crazy?  They arrived at the interrogation room, Wally put the villain in one of the chairs and put the handcuffs that were attached to the table, he tied the villains legs to the chair and his stomach as well. "Ow speedy, that's tight, didn't know you were that kinky," Renegade said. "Shut up freak," Wally responded, slamming the door shut and going to the kitchen, where the rest of the team was.

"That guy is insufferable more insufferable than you Arty Farty," Wally said while eating one of Mgann's cupcakes. "You're the most insufferable person I know, and I think we can all agree on that one," She said, leaning back into her chair.  Wally rolled his eyes and finished his cupcake, but before he could take the last bite Black Canary called him from the hallway, "Kid Flash! Come here." He rolled his eyes and walked over.


Finally Batman had taken off the bag on Renegade's face. "Ugh finally, I was going crazy in there," Renegade smiled, "So Bats wachu wanna talk about?"  "How did you steal that gem?" Batman asked sternly. "Hmmm. What gem?" "The kryptonite gem in the Gotham museum," Batman restated. "I didn't steal a gem," Ren said shrugging. "The gem that was auctioned off at the UGA, You were there, with Penguin." "Hmmm, no I wasn't, how do you know I was at the UGA with Penguin?" Ren asked. 

Batman opened his hologlove and pulled up footage from his perspective as Eric, walking up to Renegade, getting his mask scanned and entering a room with renegade. The footage clearly shows Batman taking the gem with him and back to the Bioship and with a swift movement he seemed to be in his Batman gear and all of Young Justice standing in their uniforms looking back at him. "That's you at UGA," Batman said. "Sooooooo basically what's happening is that you stole the gem, you shouldn't have done that Batsy. You have no proof I stole the gem, but I have proof you did," Renegade smiled evilly, "Holo end recording," he whispered, "Holo send recent recording to Dick." Even though Renegade had no real intentions with the recording, he still sent it to himself just incase. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14 ⏰

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