the gem

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"Ahh, Mr. Johnson! You hold a pretty good bid  huh?" The BALD billionaire stepped in front of the team, stopping them in their tracks. He is a billionaire so naturally there were guards around him.. "We're trying to get our item so, if you would excuse us," Batman said. "Ah, let me hurry it up then, i'll give you 3 billion if you give me the gem," Luthor offered, Batman pushed him aside and said in a salty tone, "I don't want your money, but thanks."


The group walked to the side curtain where Renegade stood with a scanner. "I'll have to scan your mask, oh and only Mr. Johnson is allowed in." Ren said, winking at Wally. "That cat..." Wally mumered. "Huh?" M'gann asked, Wally looked at her, "The cat- " "C'mon in Mr. Johnson," Ren said, pulling the curtain back, following him in. M'gann looked at him, "What cat?" "Nevermind."


"Stay, jingle if something happens," Ren whispered to Nightwing, letting her slide down his arm. Wing nodded and disappeared into the shadows. Ren walked out of the room and instantly felt eyes on him, he stared back at Wally, "What're you looking at freckleface?" Artemis instantly hurled and started snickering. Wally went red, "I-uh, you- um nevermind it's uh nothing."

"You sure, carrot top?" Ren asked leaning on a shadowy wall. Wally didn't respond he just looked down in embarrassment. Artemis and Zatanna leaned on him laughing and teasing him about the encounter. Confused, M'gann and Conner shared a look.


"Mr. Johnson, thank you for taking a interest in such a, precious gem, well now, how are you planning to pay? A loan? A million a month?" Penguin asked, fiddling with the small gem. "Cash," Batman said plainly. "HAHAHAHAHA!" The subtle man laughed. Batman stood still, face cold, and serious. "You plan to pay 2 billion in cash? HAHAHAHAHA!"

'Wally, go to bio-ship and get the three suitcases in the trunk,' Batman said into the mindlink.

"Your funny, now all real talk-" Penguin stopped, hearing a beeping in his ear, he held a button on his com and began nodding, "Yes, yes, go ahead." As if on cue Renegade comes in with Wally who is holding three professional suit cases. "Open the suitcases," Batman said to Wally. He nodded and did as told, the redhead's jaw dropped and so did Penguin's. "There, 2 bill all in cash," Batman said. "I see..."


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