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people at school don't like him. tylers loud. and annoying. and he's the kid at the back of the class who's snickering non-stop til the bell rings. the kid who never has his homework done, the kid who argues with teachers just cause.

the kid whos most likely to fail.

it's sometime in october, and the first school newspaper of the year finally got published. normally they do it first week of coming back, but something about printing issues.

tyler doesn't read the normal newspaper. he's not fifty. so why the fuck would he read the school newspaper? its all a bunch of words and theres no colourful pictures to keep him engaged. however, for whatever reason, taco; the fucking geek, reads it. the entirety of september he'd been complaining about how they hadn't published it yet, which is the only reason tyler even knows that it's late.

it's after school, and he had come running to him and earl as they were leaving the building, specifically calling for tyler.

"yo, taco," earl says, and he puts his hand out to dap him up. but taco misses it, instead his attention fully turns to tyler.

"tyler, man," he says, smirk wide. "your on the fucking paper!"

tyler stares at him, blankly. he blinks. "what?"

"the school paper," he clarifies.

the papers pushed into his hands. taco flips through a few pages, and earl leans in.

"why do you read the school newspaper?" he says, looking at taco.

"just fucking read it!"

tyler squinted at the page. a shit ton of letters in bold were staring back at him. he took a moment to process them.


"we asked thirty people around campus who they thought was most likely to fail!"

"oh wait." syd interrupted, appearing seemingly out of nowhere. he was peeking from tylers shoulder. "some kid came up to me, asking me this."

4 students chose —> ...
2 students chose —> ...

tyler kept on reading random ass names that weren't his. he looked up at taco. "where the fuck am i?"

and then he pointed to -

24 students chose —> tyler gregory okonma

"what the fuck?" earl said, slowly, sounding completely mind-blown.

"why they put your goverment name?" jasper butted.

"how do they know your goverment name?" syd added.

so, according to our q-&-a, the student most likely to fail is...


"yo, did they lie tho?" jasper chuckled.

there was a moment of pity laughter before it fell into silence again.

"..tyler?" taco said, staring at the other male. "yo, can i have my paper back—"

"you read the paper?" syd deadpanned.

tyler ripped out the page and scrunched the stupid ass paper, shoving it in his pocket.

"what the fuck, man?" he mumbled. "most likely to fail? that's such bullshit."

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