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"shit, someone record this-"

       its not a fight - at first. rakims on the ground and franks on top of him and hes punching him repeatedly until his fists start to ache. but then someones hands are on him - and he loses his grip. rakim manages to sit up, and he punches frank back. and it hurts. like a bitch. he groans. and he gets punched again. and again. and again.

"rakim - fuck!"

"oh my god."

"this is sick."

"get his jaw!"

they toss and turn for what feels like an eternity. maybe thats when it becomes a real fight. rakims talking, yelling, but frank doesnt hear it. he doesnt hear anything; except the blood dripping down his nose, and his heart racing, and his mind aching. his lips are chapped. maybe swollen ten times its size, too. theres hands on him. alot. he feels himself being pulled away; but he doesn't even have the strength to resist.

"what the hell?!" it's domo. and when frank finally recognises the voice as hes pushed out the class, he shoves away. he palms his nose. theres blood dripping out.

"the fuck happened?" he asks, looking him up and down. frank glares up at him. the other male looks more confused than anything. frank groans to himself. he thinks he sees eyes on him, all around. more eyes than usual.

he wipes at his nose one more time with his sleeve before tugging at his bag strap. "i'm leaving."

domo follows after him, dismissing anyone who tries to talk to them. "yo, frank, 'm being serious. whats up with you?"

the metalic taste of blood sits in his mouth. his eyes are drawn to the floor.  "leave me alone. leave me the fuck alone."

maybe domo stops following him after that. frank doesnt know. he doesnt hear anything. the world blurs around him. he shoves the door open. the bitter air gnaws at his skin; his bruised skin. it hurts. like shit. his knuckes are split open.

syd and tyler are standing right there. outside. tyler turns first, and frank lays his head low. maybe thats when the shame and embarrassment finally creeps back to him.

"frank?" he calls. frank keeps walking. walks past. walks more. he hears tyler following him, quickly.  he wants to run but he thinks he's too weak. he'll probably collapse right then and there.

"what the fuck happened to him?"

"..i dont know."

"should we follow them?"

"nah, he'll talk to ty."

"leave me alone." he breathes. he knows tylers still following him; they're around the corner now. he feels the other male grab his shoulder. the hold isnt too strong. frank probably couldve shrugged it away; but instead he kust stops then and there.

"what the hell happened?!" tyler says. frank looks at him for the first time. his lips are dried and chapped and red. and theres this kind of worry in his eyes.

he breathes. a breath of ice escapes from his lips. "i -" he chokes out. frank feels tylers eyes on him. he doesnt know what to say he never doesnt know what to say. "fuck, ty!" he croaks - and it hurts to talk. are there tears welling in his eyes? he sniffs. its cold. he wants a cigarette. and he doesnt even smoke. "what the fuck do you want me to say? i got into a fight, shit."

he watches his expression morphe; his brows knit in confusion, but then his lips kind of tug at a smile. "what? with who -"

"with fuckin' rakim." he mumbles. his eyes drift to the concrete. the silence hangs in the air.

"why?!" tyler finally cries. frank groans, scooping his face into his palms. he wants to hide. and die.

"i -"

"you just fought him for no reason -"

frank raises his head. maybe if he wasnt so stupidly inlove with tyler, he'd punch the other male in the face the same way he did with rakim. or no. he'd do worse.

"whats wrong with you?"

"its you!" he doesnt mean to yell - he really fucking doesnt. but it just happens. and tyler kind of flinches; and steps back, and whispers something frank doesnt catch. and that makes him angrier. he doesnt even know who hes mad at. tyler? rakim? himself?

"i like you!" fuck. "how didnt you realise?" frank found out today. "you never shut the fuck up about him -"

"..you like me?"

"what - i didnt know you liked me?!" tyler scoffs. and franks kind of glad hes yelling too. it means theyre lind of on the same level now. people probably think theyre fucking crazy.

"yeah, because you only ever think about yourself." its not true. frank knows its not true - he just cant help it, in the moment. but he regrets it almost immediately.

"fuck you." tyler spits out. and he doesnt say anything else - and thats what kind of makes it worse. he opens his lips, maybe to scream out an insult, or a fuck-you-too but instead frank just stares at the other male.

"im sorry." he croaks. yelling really does hurt. frank doesnt know why he does it. "fuck.." he takes a step closer. and tyler doesnt move, even tho his eyes lift and he stares at him through his lashes. he doesnt move.

"i dont know whats wrong with me." he stares into the street; theres cars passing by. he looks back at tyler. "i really, really like you. and i think i have for a long time."

he waits for tyler to say something. anything. but he doesnt.

"your - funny. and nice, most of the time. and i like how you talk - a ton. and how you sing, and play the drums. and i hate that you keep on chasing after some asshole who wont even spare you a second glance." hes looking into the other males eyes, but his hands are trying to find tylers. he grasps hold of one. its cold. real cold. frank squeezes it. "im better than rakim." he half-whispers.

he already knows what tyler will say when his lips slightly part to speak. its that hesitant, nervous look in his eyes. its gonna be rejection. maybe a straight-out no. or a sugar-coated im sorry, frank, your a nice guy but...

it doesnt matter. frank doesnt find out. he kisses him before he can say it.

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