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       "whats wrong with you?"

the world pass by quickly. his fingers dance around the window; theres frost coating the glass. earls sat next to him. theyre squished together in a cramped seat at the back of the bus. shoulders rubbing, thighs touching. its awkward. there isnt really much to say.

"your bein' weird." earl nudges.

he looks at him, confused. he hadnt even said anything. he got on the bus five minutes ago. how could he possibly be acting weird? sure, frank has been feeling weird, lately at least, but he doesn't think he's been reflecting it.

has he been obvious?

it started when tyler told him he had a crush on rakim. and then that became a whole thing. he always thought they'd be a cute couple - shit, he even tried to set them up a few times. but ever since rakim rejected tyler he's absolutely despised the other male. for hurting his friend - obviously.

frank also hated rakim because of how much control he had over tyler.

everytime they talked now, it seemed to be about rakim. rakim this - rakim that. it was - it was fucking pathetic. he couldnt stand it - but he also couldnt tell tyler cause - cause he trusted him.

"im gonna talk to rakim. i really think we can make it work. like - our relationship." tyler had called him three in the fucking morning. and of course frank replied because it was tyler. he was pretty disappointed that it was about rakim.

he didnt like the idea. especially after rakim had literally sent tyler spiralling for a while. maybe frank should be a better person, sympathise with the other male. he was closeted once, too. but he didnt give people false hope. he didnt break peoples heart. he wasnt an asshole.

fuck "despise". frank hates rakim with every bone in his body.

"frank." earl calls. maybe hes been calling for a while. frank doesnt realise, until he finally does. he turns his head to the other male.

"yea?" he mumbles.

"ive been calling at you." earl pouts at him. "are you like, dead?"

"my bad. ive just been thinkin."

theres a pause; like earl expects him to continue.

"about?" he pushes.

frank shrugs, before saying; "rakim and ty."

earl squints at him. "oh."

frank nods. "yeah."

the conversation, which frank argues cant even be considered one, fizzes out for another five minutes. frank thinks. about rakim. and tyler. and the way he smiles with his teeth - and the way his voice pitches when he talks about something he's excited about. and he thinks about tyler alot. his eyes dart as the bus stops. rakim gets on with his girlfriend. frank looks over to earl; wonders if he notices him too.

"do you like him?" he asks. earl looks at him, confused.

"like who?"

"rakim." frank says, and maybe he's a bit loud - but they're at the back of the bus. and rakims at the front; with all his friends. he doesnt really care if he heard him, anyway.

"hes okay."

"do you think him and tyler would make a good couple?"

theres a pause. earl gives him a what-the-fuck kind of look.

"yeah. i think so." he shrugs. "why the fuck are you asking me?"

"ty deserves better. rakims a dickhead." he mumbles; maybe someone, one of rakims stupid friends turn around and look at him, frank doesn't notice. he's staring at the ground.

"its like you wanna fuck him." earl groans.

frank sits up, immediately. he stares at earl, brows knitted, frowning. "im just worried for him. and - and you should be too. hes our friend. did you see what happened last time!?"

earl throws his arms in the air, as if he was surrendering - frank doesnt mean to raise his voice, and he doesnt know why hes so defensive but -

"i get that - but you're always talking about him."

hes confused. has he really? or is earl messing with him -


"fuck you mean how?" earl stares, dumbfounded. "tyler this, tyler that. i get hes our friend - but you're always talkin' about him, even when he's not there."

fuck. there's a moment. fuck. it feels like he's holding his breath. the realisation comes quick and slaps him right in the face.

he likes tyler.

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