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     he doesn't remember much after that. maybe someone yelled what the fuck. and there was some shuffling. he remembers a flash. fuck. was someone recording it?

"hey, you okay?"

tyler doesn't answer. hes not on the floor, but he thinks he'll collapse any moment. theres hands on him - maybe they're the only thing keeping him up, but he doesn't wanna be touched. he feels drunk. and gross. and disgusting.

"taco?" he croaks, eventually. "where the fuck-"

"it's rakim, man." a voice answers. "it's rakim."

thats the last thing he hears before he blacks out.

theres this piercing white light glaring at him when he wakes up. tyler groans internally, trying to grab the pillow next to him and cover his face. but the stupid ass pillow won't budge. without looking, his hand grabs at the front of it, and he feels a face.

what the fuck?!

immediately, he lets out the loudest blood curting scream he's ever let out, falling to the floor, whilst still gripping at the pillow and sheets. they fall down with him.

"what the fuck?" a voice rasps, clearly of just now woken up.

tylers covered in this heavy ass duvet that isn't his, and genuinely can't see. "where the fuck am i?!" he panics, thrashing through the duvet manically, trying to get out.

"at my house." the voice says, casually.

"who are you?" he cried out. "get these stupid ass sheets off me!"

the other male let out a chuckle before shifting. tyler was finally free but he was gasping for air. fuck. he looked through his pockets. he didn't have his inhaler.fuck.

"who the fuck are you again?" he gasped out.

"im rakim. your tyler, right? you threw up on me yesterday. and yelled at me."

tyler didn't remember any of that. "inhaler?" he tried.

rakim looked at him, confused. "what—"

"do you have my fucking inhaler?!"

immediately he ohed and opened the drawer to to his night table, passing him his inhaler.

as tyler used it, rakim started talking again.

"do you not remember? we were at the skatepark. you came up to me, talked about how you were gonna be homeless, threw up on my shoes, started crying, i think and then i had to sit down with you. and then you kept on calling me taco? and then you just fell asleep.
and then your friend texted you saying wru tyler? and i tried to answer but i didnt know your password."

tyler looked up at him. he didnt remember any of that. except tje throwing up. and the falling sleep. and the taco-thing. "your the asshole who put me on the paper."

rakim looked back at him, clearly gulity. "'m sorry, didn't know youd get so upset about it."

"upset?" tyler echoed. "im not upset. 'm cool. i'm cool. i don't care."

rakim stared at him, unbelieving. "yeah. you said that alot last night, too."

"wait so," tyler began, finally standing up. he leaned agsinst rakims wall. "i pass out, and the only thing you think of is to bring me to your house, make me sleep in your bed, and then sleep with me...shirtless? thats some serial killer shit"

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