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tyler's got a nasty cold the next day. and even though he really wants to go school - and see his friends, and see rakim, he decides to stay in.


Rakim: U ok?
Why arent u in?
School is boring without uu

tyler drops whatever he was doing when he hears his phone vibrate, and grabs it. his face lights up when he sees that its rakim texting him.

ty: sick /:
i feel like shit

Rakim is typing...

Rakim: That sucks
Can I still come over after school?
I'll bring ice cream lol

tyler smiles at his phone.

ty: yh sure
bubblegum or mint chocolate plz

Rakim: Kk


Rakim: Working on the paper
For ur band lol
Whats it called

tyler: ew its not a band

Rakim: Well ur performance

tyler: i still dont know what to do for my song

Rakim: Syd is gonna murder u lool


Rakim: Im gonna come at like 6/7Pm
I have to go home and do hw firsr

tyler: okay nerd

Rakim: Shut up haha
U feeling any better?

tyler: when i get some ice cream maybe

and when you come over. tyler thinks but obviously doesnt type.

Rakim: You'll get your icecream soon princess
Kk i gtg lol

tyler feels his face heat up when he reads princess. its so fucking stupid. he holds his phone to his chest, smiling like a fucking idiot. theres this warm,fluttery feeling in his gut.


tyler: call me RNNNN

Frank: Every min i call i get charged 50 cents
Wait till i get home

tyler: idc call me rn

Frank: ok
But you call me because apparently if someone else cls first i get charged less

tyler: ur such a fucking nerd

tyler is calling frank...

he listens to the ringing sound for maybe five seconds, heart still pacing. then frank picks up.

"what?" he says, sounding kind of annoyed.

"frank," tyler begins. he cant formulate his words.

"what?" he echoes.

"frank," tyler repeats.

"nga." frank groans. "im not doing this shit. what?"

tyler pauses for a moment. "okay, i need to tell you somethin'."

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