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              he likes that he's loud. many people don't, but frank finds a comfort in knowing that tyler always has something to say; even if its stupid and makes no exact sense. he likes hearing his voice - in any way possible. loves when he raps - or attempts to sing. or when its two in the morning and tylers whispering on the phone because he should be asleep.

theres this strange feeling in his gut when tyler talks to him that morning. the rest of the bus ride is quiet; earl mumbles a few somethings but frank is just dumb-stricken with realisation to listen. when they get off, tyler is already there, standing. the ground is coated with frost and its so cold they can see their own breath when they speak.

"where the hell were you?" he grins. earl starts to speak - but frank just looks at him, longingly.maybe hes admiring. his eyes meet to tylers eventually. the other male smiles at him.

"your pretty quiet." he says. they begin walking; somewhere mid walk, jasper and taco join them and start talking to earl. the two of them find themselves behind the trio. tylers got his hands in the pockets of his jacket. frank remembers he had seen him hold rakjms hand once. when they were waiting for them at some greasy pizza place. frank remembers how rakim quickly let go as they walked in. frank saw. maybe rakim thought no one did.

frank wants to hold tylers hands. he knows if he could, he wouldnt let go. theres this indescribable feeling inside of him; he's anticipating for tyler to say something, anything.

"...im gonna talk to rakim. today." and there it comes. frank winces to himself. there comes that strange feeling in the gut. is it jealousy? is he just bitter?

"you sure?" he manages to get out. tylers gaze narrows; smile altering.


"..i dont know if thats the best idea."

tyler frowns. "why?"

"because people like rakim -" he pauses. fuck. is this the person he wants to be? hes better than this. frank knows he's better than this. and even though he hates rakim with almost every bone in his body; he knows he'll eventually come around. he hates that even more. he hates that the two are fucking perfect for eachother. and the fact that this time next year they'll probably be dating and doing all that gushy couple shit. rakims not the monster frank wishes he was. if that was the case, it'd make the whole thing easier.

"what do you mean people like rakim?" tyler mumbles. maybe theres a hint of irritation in his tone. maybe frank wants to just yell at him right there and then. something they do in those romance movies. something like ive liked you all along and im way better than that asshole could ever be.

"ignore me." frank chews at the inside of his cheek. "your right. you should talk to him. im sure he'll come around." frank forces the smile up his lips. tyler stares at him. hes not stupid. does he know how frank feels? no. theres no way. franks been quiet. he thinks he'll always have to be quiet.

"..for real?" tylers frown dissolves; his lips are slightly lifted.

frank nods. he likes seeing the other males smile. but his skull feels heavy on his shoulders. "yeah. defintely." he pushes the door to the school open.

the rest of the day is slow. frank zones out any opportunity tyler gets to talk because he knows all he'll talk about is rakim. hes on edge the entire day. he snaps when syds waving at his face in lunch, asking him if hes okay. they practice in the music room for the festival. the days counting down had gone so quickly the last month, but now it feels slower than ever. frank slams on the drums as hard as he can. he listens to tyler perform. he pretends the song is about him. he knows its about rakim. he has classes with rakim. classes where they sit right next to eachother and are forced to interact. its awkward, but not for the reason rakim thinks its awkward.

"i'll say this for the last time; this project will not amount to your final grad—"

the bell sound pierces in his ears and frank gets up immediately, grabbing at his bag. he tries to be the first one to leave, but everyones as eager as him and they swarm the classroom door like flies. he distances himself from the crowd.

"your lucky. kali is pretty as hell."

"yeah. and her parents are loaded."

"no they aint -"

"stop talking about my girlfriend." rakim snorts. frank kisses his teeth in annoyance. his eyes draw to the ground. god. he wants to get the fuck out of here as quick as possible.

"i dont get why you wanna break up with her."

what? fuck.

it feels like his chest is in his stomach. had tyler already talked to him? when? had frank been zoned out?

"we're just not right for each other.."


theres some ohs and oohs.

"you got your eye on someone else?"

god. they're gonna get together. franks so sure of it now. maybe thats the moments his morals slip away. his stupid fragile morals.

rakim chuckles. "yeah. somethin' like tha -"

maybe thats the moments his morals slip away. his stupid fragile morals.

it just happens. frank doesnt think. but he turns and his fist raises, and makes contact with rakims face. his stupid ass fucking face.

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