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Ty Im really sorry

                its quiet. rakim lifts his head from his phone. he watches his reflection through his glass of half-filled lukewarm tap water. it's pretty; the cup. with these pretty purple flowers painted on them messily. he glances over to the other side of the dining table. the phones ringing. the sound is flat, irritating - but hes more worried that its probably the eleventh time tylers mom has called tyler. and he hasn't picked up. not even once. rakim lifts his eyes from his dinner.

the sound stops she sighs, shutting her phone. "where the hell could he have gone at this time?" she looks over to the window, then back at the table.

rakim darts his eyes down. he feels like a piece of shit. part of him wants to go out and look for tyler. but the other part of him knows that hes probably the last person he wants to see right now. any spare moment he has to think; he goes back to what had happened. and what he said. and what tyler said. and what rakim did - and how he grabbed him and how utterly upset tyler looked.

i like you.

he didnt know how to react - he likes tyler. more than anything. but hes never liked a guy before. and - he realised it, at that moment that he liked him too. and he didnt know how to react - and started freaking out and being stupid.

he pokes at his vegetables with his fork.

"i - i don't know whats wrong with that boy, rakim."

rakim chews at his cheek. he looks at her. "it's my fault - we got argument."

"he's sixteen. he can't just run away when something he don't like happens."


I didnt mean to scare u. Or react like that

Can we pls talk? In rl

This is all new 2 me

rakim shrugs, bringing his eyes back up. "he'll come back, im sure. he probably just went to get fresh air." his eyes dart down. back to his phone. he scrolls through his contacts.


Do yk where ty is?

Syd is typing....


hes w us

at franks place

wtf happened?


What happened? Is he ok??


hes on his 3rd bottle n its been like 20 mins

so no ig


Put him on the phone w me?

I needa talk to him asap

"when he does come back, imma make sure hes never leaving." she sighs. rakim looks up. his stomach twists.

"don't be too hard on him -" he tries. she deadpans at him.

"and why the hell should i listen to a seventeen year ol –"


told him

he / asaptylerWhere stories live. Discover now