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ty: ma yelled at me :(
and im grounded 4 a week
Didnt get my ass beat tho

Rakim: Thats good lol
(Not the grounding)

ty: im tired as hell:/

Ramim: Same im gon get sleep. Gn

ty: gnn see u at breakfast club lmao

ty is offline.

        the next day, they go to breakfast club. breakfast club doesnt meet to rakims expectations. for some reason he had high ones. the cereal is soggy - and the milk is fucking lukewarm. the breads stale. the juice tastes like piss. everything sucks, really.

but tyler likes it - and domo, so it begins a part of his routine. wake up an hour earlier than he usually does. brush his teeth. shower. put on his clothes. spray some cologne once. eat breakfast at home instead of at breakfast club. spray some more cologne. grab his bag, put his shoes on. walk to school. wait outside the vending machine where him, tyler and domo meet. spray his cologne again when he sees them coming. go to breakfast club. eat. talk. rakim doesn't talk much. he likes listening to tyler. and looking at him. breakfast club ends. they go to their classes. rakims bored. he sees tyler at break. and lunch. and at the end of the day, when he walks him home.

he likes tyler. alot. its something he can't explain. its the same way he'd love his dog. but tyler isnt a dog, or his dog, and he doesn't see him as a dog. but rakim looks forward to see him every single day and his face alone just genuinely makes him smile so stupid.

maybe not a dog. something else. he doesn't know what though.

the rest of the week passes fairly quickly. they hang out in tylers room on saturday because hes grounded and try to bake a cake for franks birthday (even though its in another two weeks.) rakim has alot of fun.

on monday, he finds tyler, syd and domo in the music room at lunchtime.

"i was looking for you ngas." rakim grins. he's finished this weeks paper and wanted to see what they thought about it. espesically tyler. hes seemed to hold a grudge against the school paper since -

well rakim sees why.

tyler lifts his head immediately when rakim starts talking. he's sitting behind a set of drums. rakim walks over to him.

"wanna see the new paper?" he asks, lifting it up for the other male to see. he grabs it, hesitantly.

"yeah sure. ill check it out after." he passes it to syd whos stood right beside him, reading over something.

"speaking of paper," she says, grabbing at the newspaper. she turns to rakim. "can you put us in the paper?"

rakim furrowed his brows. "wait - what? why?"

"cause we're performing," domo spoke, from the storage room.

rakim looked back over to syd. "I don't get the correlation."

"everyone reads the paper." syd explained. they ignore tylers and domos synchronised i dont! "if its on the  paper, people know we're doing it. and we still need a guitarist."

"yeah, for like, some publicity." domo added. "is that the word? t?"

tyler turned around. "how the fuck am i supposed to know?"

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