iv (republished)

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iv. (the last chapter felt a little too long so i seperated it into two different chapters)

          tyler swung his front door open. the news was playing on the telly, and he saw his ma's work bag hanging.

"ma", he spoke out, reaching to the stairs. "'m home."

"thats good, hun!" he heard her speak, through the kitchen. "your grounded, by the way, for that lil stunt from yesterday."

tyler groaned, loud. he forgot about that. "ma, c'mon -"

"you lucky i dont whoop your ass for drinkin' so much you pass out!" she yelled.

tyler sighed, now dragging himself up the stairs. he shrugged his bag off and was off to find some clothes to wear. as he took off his shorts, a piece of paper flew out.


rakims number.

he grabbed it, and typed it into his phone.

tyler: i cant come :[
but i can show u which way to go if u come to my place
its not that far from my house nyway

rakim read it a minute later.

rakim: Why

tyler typed out im grounded but then scratched the text. what if rakim thought he was - some dweeb who still got grounded by his ma?

maybe he should leave it short. and mysterious. and leave rakim wondering —

tyler: im in trouble w my ma:/
not ur fault tho
(if u thought it was
because its not
js saying

fuck. what happened to the dont double text rule? he was double-double texting.

rakim: Send me your addy

tyler shared his location with 'rakim'

rakim: Cya at six

tyler turned his phone off, face palming. not one fucking double text. why couldnt rakim be like him? why did he have to be so -

he didnt even know. his mind was scrambeldd. he put his face in his piow, screaming silently.

he changed showered and changed into some less sweaty-school polluted clothes and sat by his bed, blasting tupac. and he didn't realise it was already quarter six. and he didnt realise there was rocks being thrown to his window. he turned the cd player off, and opened his window, squinting to see rakim.

it was pretty dark outside, considering it was october. the street light flashed underneath him. he looked —

tyler didnt know. he was wearing a black coat and some jeans. and he was supposed to look normal and casual but he looked..

tyler wanted to look away, shove his face into that pilow again.

"get down here!" rakim yelled; tyler could see his own breath as he stuck his head out the window, and admitted;

"im grounded, i can't."

so much for the cool guy attitude he was trying to cling onto.

rakim stared at him, for a moment, then started laughing. and despite the chilly weather, tyler felt his face turn hot.

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