Why me?? 😞

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(Chats between Stan and Kyle)

Kyle:Dude how long have we "dated" for??

Stan:I think 1 month

Kyle:I think its time to "break up"

Stan:Where tho??

Kyle:I sent you the lines remember

Stan:Oh yeah

Kyle:You good?


Kyle:Alr then
Kyle:so you say you want to talk to me in the boys locker room and since our friends are nosy as fuck they'll follow
Kyle:And since the girls aren't allowed in there they'll listen from behind the door or just face time one of the boys


Kyle:then we say our "break up" lines. Do you remember them???


Kyle:Dude you don't sound good

Stan:I just
Stan:Why did we even fake date anyway

Kyle:So people would stop drawing that hideous art
Kyle:plus if we break up they'll see us like enemies now
Kyle:We can hang out in secret


Kyle:Ok dude you're obviously not fine what's wrong??

Stan:Do you ever wonder what'd it be like if we were in an actual relationship??

Kyle:Kinda not much.

Stan:Idk I just wanted to be in this "relationship" longer

Kyle:What why??

Stan:I just

Kyle:You what??

Stan:I have a real crush on you dude

Kyle:Wait seriously? You're not joking??

Stan:I'm serious

Kyle:Oh um
Kyle:Like you wanna have a real relationship with me??

Stan:Yes I do

Kyle:What why??
Kyle:Don't tell me it's bc of all of these rumors, art, our fake  relationship

Stan:Listen I had a crush on you ever since 4th grade I just dated Wendy to keep my mind off you

Kyle:Just to keep your mind off me?? Why didn't you tell me

Stan:I was just scared. You and all these girls had smth

Kyle:Like who??

Stan:Rebecca, Nicole, lesly and I think a few others

Kyle:We never had smth serious

Stan:I just thought you did

Kyle:But what is it that you like abt me??

Stan:Dude are you kidding? What is there not to like abt you?
Stan:I could write paragraphs abt you. Whenever me and Wendy talked it was just abt you (reasons why she always broke up with me)

Kyle:I just thought you could do a lot better
Kyle:You and me we're COMPLETELY different
Kyle:Maybe the girls were right abt the first list

Stan:Ky no they weren't

Kyle:You could have anyone you want why me??

Stan:Ky you shouldn't say that

Kyle:It's true tho

Stan:No it's not
Stan:I like being in that "relationship" with you. Sometimes I forgot it wasn't a real one
Stan:I didn't have the heart to tell you I thought it would break what we had together.
Stan:And I really REALLY want to be in a real relationship with you

Kyle:Can I just think abt it first

Stan:Ofc just let me know your answer
Stan:Take your time<3

Kyle is now offline

Yes one of the texts were apart of the song Jealous. I felt sad so I made this, I don't think my "friends" are really my friends except for one I think she actually calls me her friend (Love you Heidi🥰) sorry for that silly vent😋.

*epic outro sounds*

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