Clueless pt2

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(Chats between Kenny and Butters😍)

Kenny:hey Buttercup

Butters:Hey ken!
Butters:Did you ask them out yet??


Butters:I'm sure Clyde will get the hint soon


Butters:yeah! You have a crush on Clyde bc you two always flirt with each other and stuff
Butters:And im pretty sure I saw you guys kiss a couple time

Kenny:No no no me and Clyde just goof around and he's not my crush

Butters:Who is it then???


Butters:You have a crush on me??

Kenny:Uh yeah it's fine If you don't like me back

Butters:I do like you back ken


Butters:Yeah! I just thought you and Clyde were you know together bc all of the couple stuff you guys did. So I just decided to keep it to myself

Kenny:Oh buttercup me and Clyde just joke around

Butters:It looked kinda real

Kenny:Dw it wasn't

Butters:So like are we you know a thing?

Kenny:If you wanna be

Butters:I do!

Im so sorry this was short I'm not good at making these kinda things (I haven't confessed to someone since 2nd grade💀😭)
Working on that devious chapter now 😈🐺🐺😈😈😈

*epic outro sounds*

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