Sail the Sea

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[The ocean. Birds are flying and porpoises are swimming happily. From the fog a ship appears crashing through the waves]

Sailors: (Singing) 🎵 I'll tell you a tale of the bottomless blue 🎵 And it's hey to the starboard, heave ho 🎵 Look out, lad, a mermaid be waitin' for you 🎵 In mysterious fathoms below. 🎵

Eric POV:
Isn't this great? The salty air, the wind blowing in your face...a perfect day to be at sea! Eric said with a smile on his face as the wind caressed his cheeks, he closed his eyes in contempt. Footsteps could be heard nearing him as he opened his eyes and saw his brother Philip. "Ah yes... this is definitely beautiful Eric" Philip stated as he breathed in the deep salty air.

The two Princes enjoyed nothing more than being on the open sea. it gave them a sense of freedom that being stuck in a castle often doesn't offer. Eric and Philip seek often to see new places and learn new things across the world. They felt more at home on the sea. They still felt that within their great journeys something was missing something that they didn't know there were looking for.

Grimsby lay head over the ship retching, "Oh yes delightful" he said with a sickly green face as he retched over the boat again. Phillip walked over patting his back, "it's alright you'll get used to being on sea soon Grimsby" 

Grimsby gave him a playful glare as he stood back up. "A fine strong wind and a following sea. King Triton must be in a friendly-type mood." A fellow sailor called up to the brothers. Eric turned intrigued as Philip stared off at sea listening to the sailors tales.

"King Triton?" Eric questioned. "Why, ruler of the merpeople, lad. Thought every good sailer knew about him" the second sailer had told him. Grimsby turned to Eric with a frown etched into his aged skin, "Merpeople! Eric pay no attention to this nonsense!".

"But it ain't nonsense, it's the truth I'm telling you, down in the depths o' the ocean they live," he gestured out to sea. Philip turned to the second sailor and said "I believe their is something out there, theirs a whole world out there, up here and below he stated. " his brother gave him a curious look at his sudden interest before joining the crew once more.

The Sailors started to sing as they worked.


Heave. ho. Heave, ho.

In mysterious fathoms below.

Under the surface of the sea could be seen ocean life coming and going. If you looked close enough There you would spot the unbelievable. Beyond the corals swam merpeople of all kind. They swam from their homes to a large kingdom belonging to a king and his nine daughters. A gathering took place every Coral moon, but two were unaccounted for.

7 daughters sat waiting for their father to arrive. Talking amongst themselves, catching up after time without visits. The sand spun at such speed King Triton appeared from below with a smile on his face. "My daughters of the seven seas, I welcome news from all of your waters." "Tamika, Perla, it's so good to see you," Caspia, Indira, it fills my heart to have you all here"

"Mala, Karina," King Triton states looking at all of his daughters, his gaze paused  at the  two empty chairs. He turned to his daughters with a frown. "Where is Ariel and Serena?" You could hear small feet tapping as the king turned to his most trusted advisor.

"Sebastian?" The crab turned and gulped. "You were supposed to see to it that Ariel and Serena were here." Sebastian groaned. "I tried your majesty but you know those girls they are impossible."

Sebastian inhales sharply, "I reminded them about the gathering just this Mornin".

"What more can one Crustacean do?"
"You can go and find them" the king said sternly.

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