Defeating Ursula

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"Ursula!" Triton shouted. "Let them go"
Ursula chucked. "Not a chance big brother, they belongs to me now." Ursula laughs as she gestures to our tails. "Oh you see? We made a deal in blood" "it's unbreakable, even for you"

"I'm sorry father this is all my fault Serena replied fear coating her voice. "What do you want with my daughters?" Ursula scoffed.
"Oh nothing, it's you I want." "I want to see you suffer, like I've suffered all these years, and the daughters of the great Sea king is a very precious commodity."

"Oh, poor unfortunate soul."

Ariel and Serena managed to get out Of Ursulas grip and swim away, not before Ursulas eels caught up to us. I gasped in pain from the electricity feeling week.
Our farther pointed his trident at Ursula. "Uh uh, I wouldn't" Ariel whimpered in pain as I tried to look up. "Shocking isn't It? Of course, I always was a gal with an eye for a bargain, what do you say to a trade, hmm?"

"What's your precious little girls worth to ya?"
Our farther throws his trident to Ursula who catches it. "It's mine now" Ursula sent her eels after to our father shocking him unconscious.



We both shouted at the same time. Ariel turns to Ursula " monster" Ursula angrily turns to us. "Don't be a fool, you little brat! You are powerless against..." Ursula yelps when two spears hit her arms. "your gonna pay for that" we look up to see Eric and Phillip swimming back up to the surface, Ursula sends her eels after them.

"Say goodbye to your human heartthrobs"
"No" we both shout and push the trident as she aims at the Princes. The trident misses them and aims at her eels killing them. Ursula screams. "Ahhh no, my babies"

We swim quickly to the surface, I broke through as I see Philip, I swim towards him scared for him. "go quickly she'll kill You" I reach him holding onto him. "I'm not leaving you!" The water bubbles around us as the crown of Ursula rises out of the sea lifting us up into the air. "Give me your hand" Philip shouts trying to reach my hand. Grabbing his hand as we managed to jump from the crown.

The large trident comes down into the sea spinning in large circles creating a whirlpool as it does  ships get swept up. I held onto Philip for dear life as we got swept apart from each other. I get sucked into the whirlpool. I can't see anything.

Ariel manages to get onto a ship and crawls her way to the wheel and with all her strength she pushes the wheel and the boat turns it's direction towards Ursula. Ariel leaps off into the sea just as the ship connects with Ursulas stomach cutting her down. All goes quiet as the sea goes back to its natural calm form. Ariel dives down for the Trident looking for her sister. Ariel spots Serena swimming closer she pulls Serena into a tight hug.

"You made it" Ariel exclaimed. "You saved us" the trident lands as magic pours out of it down a ledge, King Triton rises back up. I gasp and rush over giving father a tight hug. All is right again.

Ariel swam over to father and spoke "you gave your life for us." "And you foughtto get my life back." "I didn't fight alone father, Eric and Philip were with us!" Hoping her father would finally understand. "All that matters now is that your both safe and home...where you belong"

I look up at the surface sadly as I start to swim away.

I broke the surface as I pulled myself to some rocks and watched the castle. As I lay on the rocks I felt Ariel join my side as we sat quietly together.

Suddenly I felt my body go warm and tingly I looked down and say my legs glowing bright gold, as the magic faded from my legs I had legs! "Ariel" I exclaimed, she turned to me with a bright smile and a pair of legs of her own. We stood up swimming to shore with smiles on our faces.

We got to the gates of the castle. Ariel and I separated on our own missions. I knew exactly were to go. Rushing to get to the back of the gardens did I hesitate to open the door, I took a deep breath and stepped in.

As I entered it was quiet until I heard him. "Serena?!" I spun round and there he was as handsome as ever. "Philip!" I ran across the room him meeting me half way as our bodies collided into each other wrapping my arms around him in a tight hug. After a few moments we pulled back just enough to see each others faces. "I thought?..." "my father...he changed us back" a smile brightened up his face.

This was it. This was the moment my heart beamed. I stared into his eyes and gave a small nod, he leaned his head forward until his soft lips met mine at a gentle pace. I felt literal fireworks burst in my heart at the feeling of his lips on mine. I pulled away with a smile. "Come let's go find Ariel and Eric" we broke apart I took his hand in mine intertwining our fingers with a smile on my face, my new life began.

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