For the first time

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Ariel and I must of been swimming for a while now because we were both panting, "not so easy without your tail now is it?" Sebastian mocked us. "Keep going, you just got your sea legs, we're almost there" we both panted heavily.

Suddenly we were scooped up by a net, I gasped grabbing onto Ariel holding tight. We landed on a hard wooden floor. I scooted back pulling Ariel close to my side as a human walked over to us. "Lord have mercy, are you gals alright?" We couldn't speak, so I just shook my head. "You must be in shock, I'll go get something to cover you up," the man said getting up and walking away. I looked to Ariel concern obvious in my eyes, she took my hand and squeezed it. I gave her a small smile back as the man brought back a blanket of sorts, wrapping it around us.

We heard a thud and saw Flounder flopping about on the wooden floor. Scuttle appeared and flew down and perched on my legs, "Say what's going on kid? Thought you weren't supposed to be up here, now your taking boat rides?" Flounder spoke up between pants, "That...That...That rotten sea witch, she stole Ariel and Serenas voices." Scuttle turned and saw Flounder. "Oh hey flounder, What...what are you talking about?" Scuttle questioned confused.

"So Sebastian told Triton that Ariel and Serena saved a human and Triton got so mad."

"Okay, Okay, Okay."

"And then...wait!" "Explanations later man, we've got to get you out of here Sebastian said to Flounder pushing him towards the sea.

"Wait I didn't tell you about the sea witch!" "Byebye and don't tell anyone about the sea witch." Flounder was back in the sea and Scuttle was walking on my legs trying to figure out what was different about us.

"Something seems different, don't tell me it's the hairdo right?" "Cause you've been using the dinglehopper no?" Ariel smiles holding a laugh.
"I can't...I can't quite figure it out, but I know that if I stand here for long enough!"

"She got legs you idiot!" Sebastian shouted. Scuttle being very oblivious to what Sebastian said replied with, "you know we've discussed this, I don't like it when you call me an idiot."
"Why don't you tell me something nice? Hey Scuttle, your feathers look good" she said sarcastically. The man came back and shooed Scuttle away.

"I'll take you to the castle, they'll know what to do with you there." At this we both glanced at each other excitement bubbling in our stomachs. The man walked away to steer the boat. I moved the seaweed off of my feet inspecting them. It felt strange to have legs. It felt different. I looked to Ariel and saw she was doing the same thing, we gave each other excited smiles.

(Play music)

We sat in this moving wooden bench, with an animal pulling it and the man sat above us. Looking around I could see a few people bustling about.

Look at the sun and the sky

And the sand and the sea Behind me

Look at me, suddenly I am On land and I'm free

Don't mind me as I climb For the first time

Jump for the first time

Trying to stand

But this gravity's Pulling me down.

We got to the gates of the castle and went in, the castle was huge and their were lots of people coming and going through the gates.

The man left for a moment and told us to stay and then came back a moment later with a women. "What is all this?" The women questioned once she had seen us.

"The girls got tangled in the net." The man informed the women. "She all right?" "She'll survive, but they've been through it though, won't say a word" "I wonder what happened to them out there"

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