Slowly letting go

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AU!! BECAUSE I constantly think of them so i won't die of boredom

So here it's uhh.. Basically Windy has lost his vision and yeahh he's blind in this one :/
Fire visits him because he knows damn well that not being able to see is anxiety inducing for wind

I am playing favorites with my books lolol

The Dessert Paradise is considered one of the most majestic lands known on earthbread, especially since accessing it is almost impossible to who is not friends with it's nature.
It did get called a paradise for a reason.
Plants of many kinds thrived and made home for countless species, the waters were so clean you could see the bottom of the lakes clearly; it is a sight so incredible that those who cannot witness it should be considered unlucky.

Yes. Unlucky..

Unlucky was one of the youngest guardians of the paradise.

Sitting on a small space between pillars of the Millennial Tree's temple was a guardian made off of the gentle breeze, the Wind Archer.
His head was pointed towards the grassy ground beneath him, watching the wind move the flowers and tall grass that his vision could reach-
Or so would he be, had he not lost his vision weeks ago.
Truthfully, he wasn't focusing on anything before him, busy navigating the illusion of a forest that his mind could remember from when his eyes worked. It was pretty rough on him, not being able to admire the land he swore to defend for it's grace.

A few animals that noticed him tried to get the archer to pet them and spoil them with their favorite foods, but an even less amount stayed to accompany him once realizing that wouldn't happen any soon. For those who did, the spirit eventually acknowledged the small guests and gave them all apologetic pets, repeatedly saying 'forgive me for ignoring you'. He knew the animals could sense changes on others, but he was a bit worried they couldn't notice his problem and get upset.
He vowed to give them a place to be happy, after all.
So after receiving their deserved attention, each animal took departure - but not before giving the guardian a lick or snuggle to thank him.
The wind spirit smiled to himself. 'I think this is enough lazing around..' He thought. 'I lost only my vision. It is no reason to give up on my mission.'

It was very hard to get used to a life without being able to see. He slept the entire first day through, refusing to accept the reality of what was happening. On the second, he greived, crying in desperation as soon as it hit him that he couldn't see the things he loved the most. When the morning of the third day arrived, he was using a mental map to navigate to his usual training spot, just to then realize that he would have to adapt to his new lifestyle if he wanted to carry on with his mission. The rest of that and the other weeks were replenished of visits from the other guardians and elementals; even Timekeeper and the long absent Sugar Swan came to help him, while four of the five dragons sent gifts.

He felt like a burden. He disliked having to be taken care of. His JOB is to look out for others, and now he has to be looked after? Pitiful. Everyone kept telling him that he wasn't useless like this and that they just wanted to pay back for all the times he helped them, but what's the use of saying that when he didn't believe it?

Oh well.

Birds flew above him and chirped, guiding him towards his training spot by the sounds of their beautiful singing. Meanwhile, rabbits and foxes went ahead and pushed out of his way rocks and roots that could make him trip over. Other bigger animals like bears and deers kept the rest away from the path, yet letting the passerby animals watch what caused that commotion. At their destination, the archer muttered a 'thank you', and the animals quickly dispersed to go back to their usual routines.
Ready to start another day of rehabilitation, Wind Archer stepped forward and reached his hands to take out his bow-

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