Sugar addiction

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This is inspired on Anabellarain_Wtt  's firewind oneshot (swan musicbox chapter), great story (tho my version sounds more like a re-imagine of what happened..?)
My wattpad bugs the entire text if i try to change fonts or order on a single word. Just so y'all know :[
(edit: this app finally let me tag the og ughh)

  On Fire spirit's desk rested an adorned, round music box, colored of white and detailed on pastel variants of cold ones.

  It rained heavily that day, so much that the box's owner barged into his own house in such a hurry he might have broken the door..
  Breathing heavily, he tried to keep the door closed, eventually using a chair to keep the door handle still. Dragon's Valley almost never had rains, but when it did it was lots, and it seemed to be corrosive to the mortals that were unlucky to be outside when it happened.

  Fire passed a hand through his hair, feeling the water evaporate on his slightly ashen flames. It was one more day of looking for a certain someone, so he had come home later than usual.
  Walking towards his bedroom, he unclipped his cape and took off his shoulder pads, tossing them somewhere around the room and speeding up towards the desk. He pulled a chair to sit on, gently cupping the music box and brining it closer. He never got tired of taking a good look at the box and admiring the details of it, that was basically a ritual before opening it at that point.
  Done with observing, Fire finally pressed the small button that opened the music box up. The lid moved to reveal a small doll on the center of the music box, around it was a glittering lake that seemed to be painted. The spirit took another look at the name engraved on the inside of the music box's lid; 'Zephyr'. Fire Spirit never got to find out if that was the name of the real owner or the name of the doll, but since the selfish part of him didn't want to think it had an onwer, he took it as the latter.
  So to make the magic happen, his fingers trailed to the side of the music box and turned the crank slowly. Once he let go, a sweet melody started to resonate from whitin the box, and the doll began spinning on rhythm. Fire pushed the music box back a little so he could have space to rest his face between his arms on the desk, smiling at the porcelain figure that always greeted him - or at least he pretends to be the case.

--The doll watched it's world spin and spin once again, the dizziness it felt was unbrearable and it sworn it would go crazy if it kept like that for any longer.
--Yet even with it's best attempts, the spirit who watched never noticed the issue. So it had to stand there, endlessly spinning around to that annoying melody that played along, endlessly hoping it's words could reach Fire Spirit, endlessly falling into desperation as the worst unfolds and it is the only who knew.
--And maybe fate had turned to it's favor.


  The spirit watched as the music box suddenly stopped. He waited a few seconds until realizing something must have gotten stuck on the crank, but was left disappointed once it didn't seem like the problem at all.
  Worry started to arise. The spirit went from attentively inspecting the box to desperately shaking it and turning the crank - to the point he would actually break it.
  "Shit.. shit, shit, shit...!"
  He got up from his chair (knocking it to the ground) and yanked his phone from the bed, his shaky hands struggling to type a number.

  --It was not the reaction the doll hoped for, but maybe it was the one it needed. It tried to listen to what the spirit spoke on the phone; no words could be understood, but the anxious tone was very clear.
  --The second he turned off the call was when the doll took it as it's chance to communicate.


  Fire spirit stopped anything he was doing when he heard a whisper. He looked around his room, finding no one there.
  "... What the..."

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