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#Edit: i. i fucking panicked and made the chapter unreadable. I'm sorry for writing a weird paragraph yall i went silly HKSHJAGAHAH

Something so this book won't be so dead!! This chapter will be REALLY short
Today i am showcasing a fan costume from the log page, Forest Mercy (his design was totally changed after i had a better idea for him)


  It was all curiosity.

  When Cataclysm heard there was a land that could never be burnt down, he knew he had to prove that wrong. His presence was too powerful for some grass, right?
  Well- no.
  The first strange thing he noticed was that the plants didn’t catch fire immediately. Usually they would burn before he could even get near them, but it took him to actually stand on the grass for a small portion to become ashes.

  It piqued his interest.

  So he walked into the forest. Analyzing everything to, maybe, find out what was it that made those plants.. Resistant.
  The animals ran away at the sight of an intruder - made of fire, of all things - crossing paths with them, which made Cataclysm's smile grow rather menacingly (oh, how he loved it when others feared him). The deeper the flame went, the more of them appeared and ran. He did notice something, though: they were all going to the same place.
  He did the math; if the animals were running to whatever kept that island safe from his flames, all he needed was to follow and destroy it.
  'Very easy', he thought. 'This will be done in no time', he thought.

  But he was bad at math. He didn't think of the possibility that someone was what protected the forest from him—

  The spirit yelled in pain when another arrow hit his back. He had lost count of how many were aimed at him - like, did they have no end!? -, but he knew that whoever was shooting at him was really, really good at what they do.
  There was a trail of partially burnt plants throughout the forest by then, all from Cataclysm attempting to attack the assumed archer. He wasn't going to lie, they had a scary aim.

  He had to think as quickly as how that all escalated. He aimed a fireball towards where the arrows came from, but Cat only saw a blur before he could even process that he was thrown to the ground and stuck to it by.. No- was there someone sitting on his back??

  "Gh.. Get the fuck up! Let me go!"
  Cataclysm ordered, squirming.
  "What the hell are you even doing anyw-AGH—"
  His head was pushed to the ground, held down tightly by the other's hand.

  "I do not want to hear any of this."
  A male voice spoke above him. The person, maybe?
  "Your presence is a menace to this paradise, therefore you will be exterminated."
  Every word seemed to slowly reveal an immense anger on his tone, almost actually crushing Cataclysm's head right there.

  "Gh- Haha! You think you can extinguish eternal flames!?"
  Cat decided to dig his own grave.
  "Even if you DO kill me, do you not think my fire will spread through the forest?~ I am the most powerful flame there is."

  Cataclysm heard the man scoff.
  "And i thought all elemental deities took their jobs seriously.. I suppose you didn’t do yours well, if you are attempting on ruining other's."
  The archer pulled his head up by his flame hair and hit it on the ground with all his might. He bent closer to look at the spirit's face.
  "I made sure that this forest is the safest it can be, so don't even worry about that."

  Cataclysm's ruby eyes stared right at the stranger's Emerald ones. For a moment, he felt like any emotion he was feeling got washed away and replaced by admiration.
  That guy was.. cute. Deadly, but still..

  The gem on his forehead seemed to shine once the archer realized something. He frowned.
  "Though that would cause quite a mess, wouldn't it? As much as your existence is only bothersome, I have a feeling the flow of life would change drastically to create another guardian.."

  'The hell is this freak talking about?'
  Cataclysm snapped out of his trance but kept quiet.
  'Did he just say I could be replaced..? Oh, bullshit.'

  The archer let go of his head, and the flaming spirit turned it to have a better look at him. He had a face of disbelief when he saw the leaf-haired thing summon another arrow and stab his head with it.

  "FUCK— AGAIN!? Hasn't that chase from before been enough for you to calm down!?"
  Instead of a worded response, the other kept stabbing him with the arrow; each stab got deeper than the other.

  Cataclysm bit his lower lip so he could at least not groan in pain, not that effective since it only muffled a short scream when the archer stabbed his shoulder. The feeling of the arrow slowly piercing into was strange - horrible, but sent cold, chills..?

  Taking advantage of the archer's distraction, he charged a big fireball and fired it. He assumed it did something once the other immediately stopped with a gasp and got up, vanishing with thin air.
  The flame looked around, grabbed his staff and floated away as fast as he could.
  Of course, he started being chased again at some point (because, why wouldn't he?). Cat did notice how there were fewer arrows this time, though; that thing pretty much didn't want him to burn the animals that came back to their territories.
  Cataclysm eventually got tired of trying to find the exit, so he took the risk and flew towards the sky; it was MUCH easier to escape by floating above the forest.
  That pest kept bothering him with arrows, though.

  'Funny how he didn't try to ambush me while I flew..'
  The spirit noted.
  'This was boring and tiring. At least the guardian was kinda cute..'
  He turned around to fly away, the memory of that archer slightly clouding his senses.
  'Forest Mercy, maybe? I have heard of him before..'
  Immortal Cataclysm flew away, unaware he was being observed.

  Forest Mercy sat on a tree branch while watching the bloody spirit wander off. He held his bow tight, a displeased expression on his face.
  "I really couldn't do anything about it..?"

  The tree echoed. 'That would have been unwise.'

  "But that spirit is a menace. He is called Immortal Cataclysm for a reason, no?"

  'Correct.' It answered. 'But no catastrophe happened here; for that reason, killing him is out of question.'

  He furrowed his eyebrows, a bit upset.
  "Come again? He alone made many lands become part of the Dragon's Valley only because he stepped there!"

  The tree chuckled. 'You know.. it's admirable how you start caring about the outside sometimes.'

  Mercy shook his head, his neutral face returning.
  "All life is precious, but Dessert Paradise is my home and mission. It will forever be my priority."

  '... Don't do anything silly.' The tree said before falling back asleep.

  With just a few more seconds of silence, the guardian took a deep breath and whispered.
  "Killing him with my arrows would be a blessing. I want him to suffer for all the life he burnt to the ground."

Hahaha. Silly tiny chapter.
I am seriously on a writer's block and ZephyrBlue brainrot doesn't help. I reeeally wanted to reveal Forest Mercy tho, so I had to write just a bit
He was supposed to be more.. Aggressive? I imagine him to be much more serious about protecting the paradise, but also bitter. Which is why he didn't kill Cataclysm..
I am very bad at writing fighting scenes though, this chapter must be low quality,,,

Oh well! Let's wait for the Dessert Paradise update on Ovenbreak, maybe they will release a new WA costume??

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