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Full of regret, Night Raven becomes responsible of Lord of Flames on the while he can't go back to his normal form
Flame tries to understand Raven's state
Hurt and comfort? I guess.
(Fanfic writers posting, dying of sleep, like pls)

  In a moment roaming throughout the eerie forest, a deer looked for some appetizing looking leafs on the floor, sniffing around to maybe find fresh fruits as well.
  On the other, a dark entity carried the fresh corpse of what used to be a beautiful and healthy animal - now covered with the blood from it's injury, inflicted by an arrow on it's neck.

  Silently speed-walking past some dead trees and spiky bushes, the entity eventually reached an open area deep inside the tainted forest, spotting a lit campfire and a bright orb floating around it.
  They walked towards the campfire, tossing the dead deer on the floor and taking off their fuchsia scarf (torn from the many years of use); sitting down, the bright orb floated towards the figure.

  "You're back!"
  The orb said happily. It's voice had a slight echo to it.
  "So i'm guessing this is our dinner?"

  The figure hummed in response, nodding so their answer would not sound too ambiguous. They laid their scarf on their side, it was folded like a small pillow. The orb floated towards the pillow and carefully landed on it.
  The figure brought the corpse closer and, with an arrow they summoned in the blink of an eye, started cutting through the deer's skin, then reaching for the flesh. In a few minutes, their hands  and arms were covered on blood - although their black attire made it difficult to notice -, and some parts of deer meat were being cooked on the campfire.
  The orb floated incessantly around the campfire, impatient. Loudly groaning,  it tried to start a conversation with the person on their side.

  "Soo.... Ain't ya ever getting that blindfold off? I'd really like to see your eyes."
  The figure didn't respond.
  "Ugh... You're boring, you know that?"

  The dark figure took one of the meat away from the campfire. It had a large arrow pierced through it so the person could cook it easier.
  "... And you're annoying. Isn't it fair i ignore you instead of making you shut up myself?"

  The orb let out an offended gasp. But what was it offended over?
  "Well- for you information, sir, you already did that! The least you could do is to bother answering me!"
  It's flames started to grow slightly, the faint yellow having dips of blue to it.
  "Seriously- is it THAT hard for you to fix a mistake!?"

  The man flinched unnoticeably to that phrase. The orb was right - and he hated it.
  Had he been a bit nicer to it early that day, he wouldn't even have to deal with this situation. And yet, he chose violence.
  But could you blame him? No one likes it when someone starts to talk about sensitive matters when they know said person is uncomfortable with it.
  And still, he couldn't bring himself to believe he didn't do any wrong.

  The orb went silent for a minute, and as if it could feel the change of demeanor of the other, it floated towards the man's lap and landed there, reducing it's flames in fear of burning the other. Apparently, it managed to see right through his emotionless disguise...
  "Hey, um... But seriously. I'm sorry for earlier. I knew that.. that is a sensitive topic, but I was.. desperate? I dunno. I think the right to say would be... I missed you."

  Though he did not show anything towards that, the orb could feel the atmosphere around the man soften. Good, it at least got him to calm down.

  "Yeah.. You really shouldn't have bashed my head on a rock 'till my physical form disappeared, but- I also messed up. I'm sorry."
  The man took out one more meat piece away from the campfire, tilting his head down to look at the orb on his lap.
  "Oh and- I'll consider you taking care of my orb form as an apology from you, don't worry."
  The man nodded weakly, but the orb could have sworn he opened his mouth - in the very slightest - and muttered a quiet 'thank you'.

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