It takes only one step to recover

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Fire spirit interrupts Wind Archer's moment of misery for a better reason.

Hey!! First update of the year?? Woaa!!
My motivation suddenly was not working during summer break. I had some ideas, but most of them were for aus that would require much time and a bigger project to be made :']
I don't think there are any new headcanons besides story wise
Now, I will allow your attention to go towards the actual story...

ㅤIt was difficult for the archer to be left alone with his thoughts.

ㅤMonths ago, the wind deity was victim of one of Dark Enchantress’ minions’ traps.
ㅤMost times, when asked about his experience with being under their control he would answer “I can't say for sure”, “I can't remember much”, “Too distressing to talk about” or similar meaning sentences. The second example is a lie, by the way.
ㅤUnlike what many believe to be what had happened (that his memories were erased or locked away, and that he had no control over his actions back then), he had as much control of his actions as he had before. For uncertain reasons, the enchantress did not bother to limit his free will. In fact, the formerly called Night Raven was allowed to do any and many things - but of course, she had her dirty tricks. With the corruption flowing through his body, it began to rot and slowly fall apart, the left side of his face suffering most damage.
ㅤHe remembers the constant guilt, the urge to rip that disgusting lady's skin off with his nails, countless painful nights whenever his face began to crack… He would have finished with his own life if it was not for the fact he needed to take the Alluring Moon out of her situation as well; he would have finished his own life if it was not for the fact that the Dessert Paradise would be left defenseless after his creators came back and purified the darkness. He had to obey the Dark Enchantress if he truly aimed to find a cure to his disease and banish the darkness once and for all.
ㅤSo it was weird how the things he would sacrifice himself to protect was the reason he chose not to.
ㅤOh how wrong people are to depict that Night Raven abomination the way they do.

ㅤBut even with all of the context given, the archer is still unsure of how to feel after having been soloed by some confused worshiper with punches and trees and three animals giving emotional support. Pathetic, really, but he is grateful to have been stopped.

ㅤBut his sad backstory is not why this story is being told.

ㅤWind Archer laid down facing the ground, fingers almost digging the dirt as he caressed the grass in an attempt to comfort himself. The grass was greeny; the grass was not dead due to any corruptions; he could hear the wind affirm all to him, and even so, his non-existent heart seemed not to believe it.
ㅤAt times like these he wished he was less sentient, that his creators took away his conscience and that the thoughts stopped. All and any.
ㅤThe night was cold. He was cold.
ㅤThankfully the fallen spirits weren't being a nuisance, though. The situation would get ugly if the archer had to purify them while still in the state he was.
ㅤIt will pass. It has to pass.

ㅤInterrupting his misery moment, the wind brought to him the information that a familiar, destructive and idiot presence had arrived the paradise. ‘Great.’ he thought, ‘The headache came back..’ Taking a deep breath, he took his hand out of the ground and brushed the dirt off his tunic and reluctantly lifted himself up. Perhaps “kicking ass” would get him to forget what was causing him pain.
ㅤLosing no time, he dashed with the wind flows through the woods, an occasional hurried breeze being the only hint to where he headed. Arriving at the Animal's milk paradise, he carefully observed the surroundings while hiding behind the trees, making sure he spotted trouble before it found it first. And soon enough, it gave him exactly what he wanted; the temperature slightly increased the closer it got, the wind practically shouting to the guardian that something came his way like a child when playing some sort of tag game - an odd comparison that felt fitting to him. Brushing away the strands of hair in front of his vision, he drew out an arrow from his quiver and brought it near the string of his bow, prepared to shoot.
ㅤMore silence, and the presence seemed to not change its position. ‘Weird..’. Did it realize where he hid? No, it was too stupid for that, right..?
ㅤWhen the silence finally became a concern to him and he lifted a foot to walk out of the woods, Wind Archer was surprised by something being thrown at him.

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