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"Until death do us apart". A mortal enemy can be for life, but for eternity it is nothing but unsolved issues. The Immortal Cataclysm and Forest Mercy learn that when they became each other's only company.

HELLOO!! It's been quite a long time huh...
So I was writing this because one day I felt like doing something that didn't feel quite real and suddenly... boom
I believe I don't have any new headcanons to talk about before the story begins..
I'll probably die after I post this lmaoo 😭

ㅤMercy's eyes took a while to open even after his consciousness had come back entirely. When they opened, he was met with an oddly light blue sky and the smaller, softer clouds appeared to greet him.

ㅤ… No, this was weird, was it not? That never happened to him - at least, not so calmly like it was happening at that moment. He extended a hand to feel the soft masses of steam (water? He didn’t know how to classify these in specific.); they felt cozy, like very fluffy pillows made of a chantilly sheep's fleece, but had an indescribable difference. Well, the only clouds he had ever gotten close to were stormy ones, so maybe it is fair he isn’t familiar with the new feeling.
ㅤBut.. Clouds that came to him? Blissful Moon said they belong in the sky.

ㅤPerhaps he will be given an answer as soon as he finds out where he is at.

ㅤSighing, he reaches for his bow… The sound of a ‘Huh?’ echoed through his mind as he struggled to find his cherished bow. Nowhere near him.
ㅤIn fact, an entire new question took place on his thoughts at noticing his clothes also disappeared.
ㅤWhere are his clothes at. WHERE.
ㅤHe ran a hand through his body, as if trying to prove himself that he was seeing things and that the fabric was still on him. Nothing. He was growing paranoid of his situation; how was that even happening? Where are his things at??
ㅤHe slowly separated his legs, not knowing what to or to not expect.
ㅤYeah… At least with that, there was nothing to worry about. Well- there WAS, since he found out he woke up with nothing between his legs at all, but at least he didn't have to worry about standing up…
ㅤThat entire situation was a mess.
ㅤAnd in that mess, as he searched throughout his memories for a reason for what happened to him, he remembered someone.

ㅤSomeone who deliberately could choose to be in the same state that Mercy did NOT want to be in (or at least, he guessed he somehow got himself on the same situation as that person).

ㅤReluctantly, he stood up and looked around. Forward, he saw a grass field, but towards his other sides he saw trees. ‘That is strange’. He chose to follow his right, the oddity of not feeling the grass and dirt beneath his feet lingering the longer it took to get anywhere at all. For a place with many trees like where he found himself at, it was too quiet for his own standards of a peaceful place. He wondered if he would be able to find another being there.
ㅤSuddenly, he felt the familiarity of a wind breeze calling for him. His lips almost curled into a huge smile of relief, looking around to show that he noticed that act. He felt another breeze softly hitting him, it told him to follow them. And so, he did. It became much easier to travel with a familiar presence guiding him.

ㅤIn a short time, he left the immense forest he was at - it didn't even seem that huge after he was put on the right track, actually. He looked back to the place he had woken up at. It.. suddenly felt like he knew what it was? Perhaps his senses were getting confused.
ㅤMercy heard the breeze tell him goodbye, and although his mind wanted to ask for it to stay, his body disagreed, making him stand there while he felt the wind flows stop again. Now, you see, he is not the type of person to be bothered by lack of company, but the fact that he couldn't feel the presence of his own element at all made him feel lonely. No, maybe that's an understatement. His chest ached with worry as anxiety began to creep in, and the fact that he could “breathe” without oxygen around brought back the utter confusion from when he woke up. Seriously, just what was happening to him??
ㅤThe archer (archer?) used the fact he can mimic breathing still to control his emotions. Breathing in and out, he made an effort not to lose his cool, still walking in the tracks that the wind breezes had put him on. For some reason, he felt like he shouldn't stay in the same place alone for too long.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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