Two sides of the same dough

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Lord of Flame goes to visit his boyfriend Raven and finds out he mitosed!!/j

Ok ok haha.. So this takes place on the corruption scenario where Dark Enchantress corrupted two of the four main legendaries with Flame being the only one who didn't succumb to darkness (Sea became abyss because she was depressed to see her wife becoming evil :[ )
With it's guardian having turned evil and the most ancient tree in a deep slumber, the forest created a copy of their former guardian and just.. let him wander around in hopes of fixing the issue
Flame is also there btw

Early warning: I have headcanons for GoMT's way of acting, so if you find anything weird.. yeah
Other hcs explained on final notes

Also I have found out that Wattpad fucked up the way I made my paragraphs on the other chapters. Oh well.

Now let's hope future Lulu will have motivation for this one..

  How did it all come to this?

  Raven doesn't remember. And despite the fact that he could be truly free, he still roamed the forest..
  Oh, right. He wasn't ACTUALLY free. He never was.

  He felt like a fool. He let himself be consumed by darkness in a fit of rage against everything he had known, and nothing besides the fact his new purpose was to hurt everyone had changed.
  This is why you always read the Terms of Service before accepting things, reader.

  'There is no going back now..' Is what he always told himself, a desperate solution to the immense guilt he felt when he turned the Dessert Paradise into a dangerous place to live at, against all he swore to defend.
  The Dark Enchantress really knew how to make him suffer, huh? For once, he wished he wasn't in control of himself. For that darkness to fully control what he saw and did. Maybe like that, he could muster up courage to break the curse and brush it off as 'it was all her fault'.
  But he knew that was asking for too much.

  Night Raven stood before the tainted sugar swan lake, his place of birth. Though admiring what was left of its once radiant beauty was not what he did.
  Curled up to hide his face from the shame, cried a greenish figure. His leaf cape and bow were thrown aside, and the crown he used to wear with much pride was held tightly on his hands. The Raven did not have to step any closer to know the deity was mouring over something that was not his fault. He could kill him right now. Nothing would change in the forest if he did so.

  Yet, he chose against that. So he walked closer to behind the figure and bent down to look at him.

  "Do not cry over the inevitable."
  Raven told the figure. An almost identical face to his turned to look up at him, teary-eyed.
  "Darkness was always meant to taint this place. Time only delayed such fate."
  He walked around to the figure's side, kneeling down and cupping his twin's cheek with a hand.
  "Though, it's weird.. You are the only thing left of this land's former reign. You do acknowledge you were not meant to be here, do you not?"

  ".... Yes.."
  The copy of what Raven once used to be nodded.
  "If I was, I would have not let this happen."

  "You would have perished to defend this land."
  Raven chuckled.


  "... I could end you."
  His hand moved from the cheek to the top of the guardian's head, patting him.
  "But to see one bit of lost hope thrive on this hell... I believe I may keep you around."

  "You plan on making me suffer? If so, just make it quick.."
  The Guardian of Millennial Tree glared upset at the Night Raven.
  "Unless you want me for selfish reasons?"

  "I do not think desiring to help you is selfish, if you mean going against my leader's orders is.."

  "... May I question this?"

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