Vigilante Shit 2

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Vigilante Shit by Taylor Swift

"Victoria, dear, I've missed you so much," Agatha, my mother, called out. Stepping out of the white car. Her usual midi dress and low bun. Red lipstick pointed out her confidence.

Hugging her back, "me too."

"How have you been?"

She pulled away from a hug to take a look at me through dark sunglasses. Red polished nails matching her lipstick.

"All good," I said.

"Hopefully no boys in the house while we were gone," Anthony, my father, said. Dark blue polo-shirt and matching white trousers.

"Please, dad, I wouldn't let any in I the first place. Otherwise they would ruin my peace," I smiled.

"Of course," he nodded. "Right, you're your father's daughter."

He put his arm around my shoulder, following my mother, we head inside.


In front of me stood a girl, soon to be a woman. All dressed up in a midi navy blue dress, light curls falling down off of her shoulders, a thin gold chain with a small pearl hanging on her neck. Her slim figure was slowly fading, becoming nothing but a memory to herself of who she was and reminding her of who she'd became. It was me.

I'm scared. The fear of losing control and becoming somebody else. I, however, can control my actions, choice of words and my looks just fine. I learned how to.

A soft knock came from the other side of my door. Door opened, revealing my mother. She looked like an angel with devil's eyes. We had our disagreements which happened to often. She is the kind of a person who won't ever admit her own mistakes, making it hard for me.

'Victoria means victory. You seem to never give up, since you took your first breath, your first step. Small steps are your victory.'

These were the most important things for me to hear from her and unfortunately the last good ones.

"You ready?" The woman asked.

I nodded. Taking my hand bag, I followed her to our car. My father was already waiting for the two of us. Thomas, our driver, opened the door for me. Small smile towards the older man and we let Thomas drive us to the party of rich.


We were greeted by the other members of the club. Huge room with rich people, stunning dark wooden tables with gold candles and dark wine red walls. Vintage chairs wrapped into white-golden fabric. Piano stood further on the stage, along the microphone. The celling was painted like in theater, light blue sky with what I assume were angels, pointing out the huge chandelier.

Waitresses walked around the room in black shirts, a tray with champagne in their hand, offering the members the drinks.

We made our way towards our table. Every family sat with another, sharing a table. We shared a table with Romanov family. Nearing our table, we were welcomed with warm smiles from Rosalyn and Alexander.

"Good evening," my father shook man's hand.

My mother copying his actions, hugging Rosalyn as well. Two woman were like sisters. They even almost look alike. Both with blonde hair and resting bitch face, judging people with their stares.

"Rumor has it, your older daughter is getting married," Alexander said.

"Truth," my father nodded.

"Well this is great, we all want what's best for our children. Speaking of," Rosalyn turned to face me, "Victoria, you look heavenly."

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