Sos 3

14 1 0


Our society had another tradition. Golf.

The day after the party was followed by the golf play on the fields. All the 24 families were invited. Sunny days, white skirts, cocktails, lip-gloss and fresh air.

Every summer the location changed. This time it was a mansion, which belonged to Calvin's father. The area was bigger than ours, tall trees made enough shadow to hide from the burning sun, as the fountain's water reflected the sun.

Outside stood tables filled with many different kinds of drinks and food. The man who offered the drinks poured water in glasses, adding some lemon, or mint in it as other's wished. On these hot days, only few people preferred wine or other alcohol. Further away was a small version of the bar, the man in a white shirt offered cocktails, with alcohol as well. There is no need to show the ID, he was already warned and in any way he could tell who was old enough to drink.

Different plants grew in the Doomer's garden. As a child, I used to run through the labyrinths of plants and fountains, without any care in the world. Twelve years later I am standing on the same spot, yet filled with mixed emotions.

Time flies by, not giving us a break, not letting us realize where we are now, leaving memories in our heads. However, we grew up, we found each other, we found a person inside ourselves. Somebody who will make a history, or live quietly for themselves. Life will not be easy, never. Still, it is beautiful.

I walked through those labyrinths of plants, which now were huge, slowly making my way to the white fountain with a statue in it. Nobody usually went here, so I was glad to be left alone for a few moments. Sitting on a wood old bench, my eyes stared straight ahead of me.

You know how peace doesn't last long, mine does too.

"Were you following me?" I asked.

"What makes you think I would do such a thing?" Calvin answered with a question. "What are you doing out here?" The boy asked as he walked up to me. Without my permission, he sat down beside me, leaving some space between us.

"Mentally making a plan on how to get rid of you," I replied, still looking at the fountain. "And you?"

"Same here," He shrugged his shoulders.

"Any new ideas?" I asked.

"Actually, yes. But it will get too messy, so I'll save it for later."

"Alright then."

"Are you not scared?"

"Of you? Please, I have better things to do."

"That would be?"

"None of your business," I answered, standing up. Before I could walk away I heard him standing up too.

He walked behind me. Before I knew it, he walked close up to my figure, giving me a sly smirk and walking in a different direction. Sometimes I just wish I could let him drown in that fountain.

To be honest, I never got a chance to get to know him properly, yet my mother always reminded me to stay away from his family.

As kids we were together running around this area, playing hide and seek. Now we are grownups, different people, almost strangers.


The day went on, soft music played in the background as people played golf, wearing dark sunglasses and white gloves, or sat at the table enjoying their cold drinks, while the light wind touched their faces. Some were dancing, swaying along the calm melody, as the sun shone.

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