Don't blame me 28

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Don't blame me by Taylor Swift

"C'mon," nothing. "One, two, three." Nothing. "One, two, three. You are not dead!"

Coughing the water out of my lungs, I inhaled fresh night air. Eyes wide open. My hand flew to my throat. Was I dead? Next moment I was pulled into an embrace. Weak arms hung around his shoulders, sniffing his scent. Hot water escaped my eyes. I was so scared. The whole body shivered from the cold water and the fear. Dear Lord, I just came back from death. A sob left my lips, crawling deeper into his chest, his arms around me building up the armor. Pulling slightly apart, his palms cupped my face.

"You are here," I cried, holding his face as well.

"I'm here," he nodded, our foreheads against one another.

"How did you find me?"

"Richard went to your house, doors wide open, no sight of you. He came to me and explained everything. Vic, I am so sorry. I'm a fucking twat. If I simply listened to you, if I let you speak this would have never happened-"

"It's alright, I'm not mad at you," I nodded. "Where's Richard?"

"He is searching the area, we've gotta go," Calvin pulled me up to my feet. "Can you walk?" I nodded.

Supporting my low charged frame, one hand on my waist, the other holding my hand. My feet were complete fluff. He came. The only thing that mattered, he knew the truth.

"Escaping your faith is impolite," Jim stood in the distance, a gun pointed in our direction. "Son, I do not recognize you. Sacrificing everything for some cheap excuse of a woman, something new."

"Don't you dare to call her that," Calvin shouted in pure rage. "I know what you did." Veins on his neck popped out, his jaw twitched, his grip on me intensified.

"How unfortunate, I assume," the older man nodded.

"You killed my mother," the boy's voice shook.

"She betrayed me, the woman that was supposed to be on my side was about to put me in prison, so all I did was protecting myself."

"The police already knows everything," Calvin stated, pushing me slithly behind him.

"They won't do anything," the man laughed. "You were used all this time son, and now you are a braunwashed traitor. I feel sorry for you."

The finger on the trigger moved at the same time as my frame. Shielding the boy with my body, I froze. A gunshot rang in my ears. Metal cut my skin, letting it burn. Blue met green in the middle. Only thing in contrast was that green was filled with terror and blue with relief. Shifting my gaze down, red consumed my lower stomach, sharp pain rushed through me, legs finally gave up. Before I hit the ground, a pair of arms caught me. Another gunshot, yet further away, it wasn't Calvin, he was fine. A pool of blood started to form around me, the blonde ends of my hair turned red.

"No, no," he put a hand over the injury. "Vic, stay with me. Shit." His gaze never left mine. Life was slowly leaving my body, I felt lightheaded. "Call the ambulance," he shouted to Richard.

Green peered through blue, the world we were before, crossed us again. I remembered each detail of his features, not afraid to forget. The soft skin, sharp jawline and those forest green eyes.

"Staring is inappropriate," I whispered. My bloody  palm on his cheek.

Shaking his head, tears stormed out of his eyes."Why did you do that?"

"Because it felt right," each word felt heavy.

"You are going to be fine, just hold up," he stroked my cheek.

"It doesn't hurt," I coughed.

"Don't talk, please," he cried, stroking my cheek.

"You are safe," I whispered, "that's all I ever wanted."

He rested his forehead against mine, "you're strong, you hear me. Don't close your eyes for me, please."

The pressure was strong, eyelids were heavy. The stinging pain in my lower stomach burned more. Next breath was impossible to be caught.

"I'm tired," I whispered.

"No, no," he shook my face slightly, "Help is almost here."

Sirens in the distance, ringing in my ears. My pale palm slipped from his face. Glossy eyes gazed into his forest green. No more words were able to leave my mouth, even though so many played on my tongue. The pain hit me, breath caught in my throat.

"Vic," I heard an echo of his voice. "Open your eyes. Please, help!"

As I said previously good moments do not last long. They intend come to an end and leave a memory behind. Even though this is not the life I wished for, I still faded in peace. The last months were a gift. Time I spent with him was heaven, away from reality, beyond the normal life. The fantasy our eyes invented. Light in my darkness showed me different colors.

I was not afraid anymore.

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