Traitor 26

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Traitor by Olivia Rodrigo

Cool night breeze traced my bare arms. I waited for Richard on the court, anxiously running a hand through my hair. He was late. No text, no call. A bad feeling formed in the pit of my stomach. A shadow stepped into the light, a sigh of relief left my lips. He was in one piece.

"Sorry, am late," he said.

"Is alright," I replied. "What do you have?"

A piece of paper caught my attention straight away.

"The missing report. It was destroyed. However, I found a hacker and he brought it back to live through digital data. Files were there too."

Snatching the paper from him, my eyes scanned the information.

Heart attack not naturally caused. Overdose through poison. Consumed along normal water. No sights of abuse, nor bruises were found on the body. The victim struggled to breathe, causing a heart attack.

"Christ," I breathed out.

"The only thing left is to prove that Jim was responsible. The percentages of 'Cosmo' were his after Oliver's death."

"It is not enough," I said.

"I know," he nodded, "my research is continuing."

"You don't have to do it."

"The murderer is walking around in daylight," he said, "no chance I would let him hurt you or anybody else."

The older man reminded me of my father a lot. His words send warmth to me. A total stranger, a simple policeman, helping a hopeless girl. The day he came through my door, I felt safe. A weird connection happened between us. Listening to my heart, I trusted him.


Back to the wedding, my eyes landed on each guest. Scanning the room. The focus was on the features of each person. Then their shoes. Most of the men wore similar black shoes, making it all difficult. Gentle touch on my arm, made me jump slightly. Lillian stood beside me. Her brown eyes held concern.

"We were looking for you everywhere," she said.

"I've been to the bathroom."

"Except the bathroom was empty."

"I left then to the library for a moment," I quickly made up a lie. Looking her in the eye without any emotion.

"Alright," she fell for it.

"Boo," a male from behind me shouted.

I jumped with a yelp in surprise, falling into Lillian's arms. The girl laughed at my reaction. John held a proud grin, alcohol tasted on his lips. Isaiah joined us as well, jumping towards John, tapping his shoulder. Acting like children, for Christ's sake. Two best mates were wasted, however, the actions were unpredictable.

"You missed the cake," Isaiah muttered, leaning against his friend. Head on his shoulder, eyes almost closed. These two need a good sleep.

"Not a big deal," I said.

"Calvin saved you a piece," John informed me.

"Where is he by the way?" I frowned, not finding the boy in the crowd.

"Went to search for you, to your room I guess," the brunet boy said.

My heart skipped a beat. My walls were full with papers and data of his father, his family in general. Sweat covered my palms.

"I'll go find him," I told the group.

A slap on my ass. Lillian smirked my way. "Go," she said. A chuckle left my lips. The brunette girl made me feel better at some point. Different from Margaret, or even my sister. Some kind of connection between the two of us. Not familiar to me.

Entering my room, I was welcomed with the back of a young man. His shoulders were tense, head slightly bent down. My heart skipped a beat. I left the room without hiding the papers, the wall was impossible to hide anyway. Not expecting anyone to enter. Yet here we were. And the one person who I wanted to prevent from finding out about the research found it. Hearing my footsteps, he turned to face me. Blood ran cold at the sight of his expression.

"What is this?" He held up the papers, voice dangerously low.

"Nothing," I said.

"A whole package of documents, of a great plan to take down my father you call nothing!" He shouted.

"Don't you dare yell at me," I shouted back.

"When were you to tell me about this?"

"I don't know," I looked down.

"Liar," he replied. "Selfish of you hiding something about my family. Don't you hold it important to put me in the light? Death of my mother, seriously?"

"Calvin this- "

"He is not a murderer, and he did not beat me up." His eyes are stone cold. No single emotion beside pure anger.

He let another man beat up his son, and to cover his trails, he found his son and brought him to the hospital. Unknown actions to the boy. He still believes that his father could have possibly been a loving parent. He is so wrong for that. The report, the evidence, the voices in my head scream at me killer. All points were coming to one conclusion. His harsh words made me slightly doubt my suspicions.

"Are you sure about that?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Indeed," he said, "he found me like this and brought me to the hospital." I was lost for words. "Now not so brave in your statements, huh?"

As I suspected, another man was behind it. Like a doll, playing a perfect part in the whole theater of ashes. Jim played with his dolls. He was far away from an innocent person and my stomach turned at the boy's words.

"Listen, I had my suspicions alright," I took a step forward. He took a step back. My heart shattered.

"You and your suspicions can stay away," he threw the paper on the floor.

Walking towards the door, I caught his wrist. "Please listen," my voice almost breaks.

Snatching his wrist from under my grip, he pointed his finger towards me, "I should have listened to my father to stay away from you."

"Fuck off then. What are you still doing here with me if your dear father so wanted his son away from me?"

"Because I thought you were different, turned out you are worse, just selfish" he said.


I laughed at his statement with tears in my eyes, "do you even listen to yourself?"

"I mean every fucking word."

Each of the word was another stab in my heart. Tears shimmered in my eyes along the anger.

"There is the door," I pointed towards the exit.

And with that I was left alone in my room.

Un-controlling tears ran down my cheek, mixing with the make-up and falling down. He left, walked out of the door with such hatred towards me. Wrong for hiding this from him, yet he could have listened. The pieces he glued together, he was the one who shattered them yet again. The slim figure stood in the darker room, the only light from outside the window from the torches and the moon.

My knees gave up. The heavy pain in my chest let me sink to the floor. The air slowly left my lungs and I couldn't inhale the oxygen no more. My vision blur, my hands shaking. I couldn't find anything to concentrate on. I was lost on the floor of my room. Finally, every single emotion starting from grief to heartache hit me like a train. The pain I hid for so long was coming out. Rapid breathing and awful headache.

Two pairs of arms hugged my shoulders, holding me close to their chest. The loud sobs left my lips nonstop. I could see, couldn't hear. Sound of my own pulse rang in my ears. Multiple footsteps were heard, as I was slowly drifting into the dark of the parallel world. World of pain and regret. Rosy lips trembled, as if I was freezing. The whole body turned its function down and I was left with myself in the dark space.

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