Voulez-Vous 5

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Voulez-vous by ABBA

The eight teenagers arrived at the airport, awaiting their private plane to be ready, they discussed where the plane would land. The hot summer air hit their faces as soon as they stepped outside. Margaret and I stood side by side, as the others were deeply in their conversations.

A good feeling formed inside of me whenever I would talk to the girl. She listens without interrupting and speaks after, which I kind of appreciate. Mostly we talked about our interests. While I wrote poems she would paint them. Words that leave my lips are landing right on the paper in front of her. The girl's talent amazes me, the way by only hearing a few words, she can simply paint them, turn them into something festinating. Something unrecognizable, yet heavenly.

An older man approached, telling us to move towards the plane. Climbing up the stairs and entering the transport, my feet guided me to a seat beside the window, little further from where Calvin sat. Margaret took a seat opposite of me, blocking the boy out of my view, to which I was thankful.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome on board." A male low voice rang through the salon, probably from the pilot. "The flight will take two and half hours. Please have a seat and enjoy your flight. The surprise is no longer away from you."

We all clapped, as the stupid grins were placed on everybody's faces. Putting my belt around myself, my blue eyes fell on a window waiting for the plane to depart. I forgot how it actually feels to be excited about something, yet my body recognized the missed feeling. The private plane started to move and soon was in the air, between the white clouds.

Margaret sat in the cozy leather seat wearing big white headphones, slightly shaking her head left and right, while playing with a pencil between her fingers, sketching on a paper. She's an artist, in her own world, in her own thoughts and imagination, which nobody could ever disturb.

John was chatting with Antoni, laughing about dumb jokes. Isaiah stuffed his mouth with chocolate cookies, which were brought previously by the stewardess. Lillian and Josephine were painting their nails, gossiping and sipping on their drinks in the fancy glasses out of real silver.

The only person I couldn't see was Calvin. However, I didn't bother to find out what he was doing, probably checking his Instagram models, or whatever Calvin usually does.

My eyes shifted to the book in my lap, admiring the pages without reading the words. With a sigh, I put the book on the small gray table, taking the coffee and sipping on it. My head rested against the leather beige seat, admiring the clouds from the window.

"You alright?" Margaret's soft voice called out, as she let her headphones rest around her neck.

"Yes, just thinking," I nodded.

"Better stop doing that, you think a lot. Soon your brain will explode," she replied, putting her stuff on the table as well.

"It won't, don't worry. Wouldn't want you to clean all this up," I said, finally looking at her.

"Right, you already calculated each step, didn't you?" She joked, taking a sip from her water with lemon.

"As always," I shrugged.

Suddenly music filled the salon. Scrunching my brows, Margaret and I exchanged looks, before looking at the two boys who started singing.

"People everywhere. A sense of expectation hanging in the air. Giving out a spark," John and Antoni sang, Isaiah joining them moments after. Margaret clasped her hands above her mouth as a soft giggle escaped her lips, feeling the positive vibe from the three boys, she joined them as well. Soon Lillian and Josephine sang with them clapping their hands while dancing in their seats.

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