Dress 13

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Dress by Taylor Swift

We stood in the hallway of the chess tourney, waiting for the game to begin. Isaiah stood nervously beside me, walking around in circles. He was confident, yet anxiety could take a hold of him pretty easily. The boy pulled the sleeves of the white shirt up, preparing himself for the game. He won the last three round, now was the last, playing against different winner.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," a man in a black suit announced. "You may now enter the room."

Standing up, Calvin stretched his hand for me to take, accepting his offer, we made our way inside. Not everyone was here, just Calvin, John, Isaiah and I. The others had plans and unfortunately didn't accompany us. Isaiah was my dear friend, due to many practices I had with him, I want to be here for the boy.

Isaiah took a seat at the table, as the rest of us with other people took a seat further from the two players. From the nervousness I started to play with my fingers. My expression was blank, yet my insides were turning. Suddenly, I felt a warm hand on my knee. Looking up, my blue found his green. Through our gaze we were communicating, my thank you and his you are welcome. Letting my body relax under his touch, I shifted my gaze back to the blond boy. They had to pick colors and Isaiah got the black piece.

The game went on, as the silent room was following each move of the players. Isaiah was good, his face was blank, to not give out any thought or emotion. The blond boy played against the other male, probably the same age. He was tall, with glasses and curly brown hair, handsome I would say.

Next move and Isaiah got his knight. Following move and the opponent got his bishop.

Sacrifice a few pieces to let him think you are reckless, he will get lost and this will be your advantage, my words rang in my friend's ears as we replayed the game yesterday. He remembered my advice as I saw his moves. The boy opposite of him got lost under the blonde's sacrifices and suddenly stopped. His eyes traced across the board, in the search for any other safe move, eventually finding none. Time was ticking and the boy still searched for a way out. Even I could see that he lost.

The game stopped as the opponent shook his head, looking at Isaiah and stretching his hand for him to shake. He gave up. The audience clapped for Isaiah's win, as I stood up clapping as well. A proud smile on my face could never be replaced, he remembered each word and strategy, brilliant.

Walking up to the blond male, I hugged him proudly. Returning the hug, he mumbled a small thank you in my hair.

"Congratulations, mate," Calvin announced, patting Isaiah's shoulder.

"It was brilliant," announced John.

"Thanks," he smiled, proud of himself.

"Mr. Romanov," an older man made himself present. "I was watching your game. Quite smart tactics, yet there was a chance to still beat you." The man stopped, taking something out of his pocket. "If you need more practice or a good manager, I will be awaiting a call."

The second the man left our side, Isaiah ran his fingers over the card, scanning the information on it. The number and address with the name were written on the piece of paper.

"Bloody hell, you've got yourself a manager," John let out a small laugh, patting his friend's shoulder.

"That's a good offer," added Calvin. "There could be a chance for you to improve with him and soon enough we'll be standing in front of a world champion."

A soft smile grazed on my pink lips, as I saw how proud we were of one another. Nobody tried to let you down, or laugh at you for failing, or mocking you for winning. Small words like I am proud of you, or you can do it, can change a lot of things.

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