Primadonna 16

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Primadonna by MARINA

"Why is our devil all alone?"

Isaiah collapsed on the sofa on my right, John following his actions, on my left. The two boys were smelling like rum and smoke, making my nose scrunch slightly, yet remain to hold the usual facial expression.

"I am think-" I was interrupted.

"No, nope," John shook his head. "Don't you dare to finish that sentence. You know that thinking is unhealthy?"

"Absolutely," Isaiah nodded. "It kills you. This brain of yours is still needed, Miss 'Future Lawyer Slash Poet'." The boy pointed towards my head.

"You two are wasted," I chuckled at my friends.

The drunk state made them both look adorably hilarious.

"How did you find it out?" John narrowed his eyes.

"I see through people," I replied.

From the corner of my eyes I saw a bottle in John's hands. Here we go.

"Our friend is wondering if the beautiful lady would accompany us?" John announced. Isaiah laughed, shaking his head.

"Count me in," I nodded. The boys kissed my cheek from each side, the one on the left and the other on the right, making a small chuckle escape my lips.

One, two, three, four cups after, I stumbled over my own steps, nearly colliding with the antique vase.

"Pardon," I apologized to the vase, holding it in place, before frowning. Did I just say that to a vase?

Walking towards the hall filled with other people, whom I did not recognize, I came to a stop. My attention switched to Calvin who stood near the window, leaning against the windowsill, chatting with Josephine. The raven haired girl smiled, a hand on Calvin's shoulder. Her short dress barely covered her butt, if she had one in the first place. My jaw twitched at the sight. The brunet boy never pushed her hand away, nor did he smile her way. Seemed like he was zoning out, not even listening to her nonsense.

Taking a deep sigh, I turned in another direction, snatching a drink from some guy on my way, hearing his complains fading. Tequila ran down my throat, burning it. Looking over my shoulder one more time, spotting Calvin with Josephine, I drank the cup empty, disappearing into another room.


"Primadonna girl. Would you do anything for me? Buy a big diamond ring for me? Would you get down on your knees for me? Pop that pretty question, right now baby. Beauty queen on the silver screen, living life like I'm in a dream. I know I've got a bif ego, I really don't know why it's such a big deal though."

Lillian and I sang in the living room as the song played loud in our ears. Margaret stood with her camera in the corner, filming our embaressing drunk performance, laughing as Lillian tripped over me. I caught the girl, giggling on the spot.

"I'm a primadonna girl," I sang.

"You say I'm kinda difficult," Lillian yelled.

"Primadonna girl," we sang in unison, holding onto each other.

Other people in the room probably thought that we were mental, yelling and giggling like maniacs, yet the raven haired girl and I felt the song so much, finding the lyrics quite relatable to ourselves. 

"Get what I want 'cause I ask for it," we sang.

On the counter I spotted a plastic crown for children, with purple fake diamonds, somebody must have brought it, because beside the crown were herat-shaped sunglasses and confetti. I pulled the girl along, putting on her the crown, before taking the sunglasses for myself. They were pretty big for me, yet probably looked lovely.

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