Radio 7

22 1 0

Radio by Lana Del Rey

Light morning breeze hit my face, sending chills to my sun kissed skin. My blue eyes viewed the deep blue sea ahead of me, as I sat on the edge of the yacht, swaying my feet in the air slightly, breathing the fresh morning air, feeling the salty taste. My thoughts left my mind early in the morning, leaving me on my own. I was glad to not to think, at least no negativity for now. Silk white dress hugged my body, leaving my arms bare and open for the sun.

"In my imagination, you fall in the water," a male voice rang in my ears, making me jump slightly. Here we go. Turning around, still sitting on the edge, I was met with Calvin. Bloody hell, this boy knows how to ruin my peace.

"At least I can swim," rolling my eyes at him, I turned my attention back to the view.

"Didn't know that drowning counts as swimming," he replied, coming to my right, yet not sitting down.

"Ha ha," I narrowed my eyes on him, looking up only to be met with his eyes already on me. "Why don't you bother somebody else, Calvin."

"Bothering you is my hobby, Victoria," he snickered, a cheeky grin forming on his lips, as he admired the view. "Besides, you are the only one who always leaves the group."

"Oi, you're afraid I get lost, or worse, get hurt. Didn't know you care," a fake laugh escaping my lips, placing a hand dramatically on my chest.

"Actually I don't," he looked back down at me, shaking his head, putting his hands in his front pockets of the white pants. "Just wanted to make sure if you fall, that you drown, but oh well I guess you need a push." He informed me, obviously joking, or so I thought.

Kneeling down beside me, he put his hands on my back, as if actually pushing me from the edge. His hands didn't wander where they shouldn't be, yet having them on my back already made me feel strange things. His fingers burned against my skin, as if I came in contact with fire and burned a few spots on my back. Refusing to let the feeling take control over me, I focused on his next actions.

"Stop," I examined, trying to push myself away from the water which was now nearer than expected. "That's enough."

"Can't quite hear you," he replied, playing dumb, slightly pushing me. "You drown; I'll have one less issue." A genuine laugh escaped his lips, making me look at him.

"I will come as a ghost in the afterlife and take you with me," I laughed as well, still struggling to sit upright.

"Doubtful, really doubtful, Victoria," the boy shook his head. Crossing the line, his hands on me pursued further than before, actually pushing me to the water. An idea popped in my head, not the smartest choice, yet it will stop him at least.

My left hand swung in a swift motion, taking a hold on his sunglasses from his head. Without any doubt, I threw them in the water, letting the accessories drown. Dumb decision, however I felt amusement take over me, watching his delighted expression turn into a frown on his face and then realization hit him. His actions stopped for a second, taking his hands from me, focusing on the water below.

"Why did you do that?" He examined, now in an irritated manner. Looking at my amused face, I felt annoyance radiate from him.

"Next time don't come looking for me, simple task which you seem to not to get," I replied, shrugging my shoulders, looking him straight in the eyes.

"You have all the time in the world to be a bitch, why not take one day off?" He wondered out loud, narrowing his eyes at me.

"Being a bitch to you is my hobby," I repeated his words from before with a cheeky grin on my face, feeling anger dripping off of him.

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