Chapter One

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It was hopeless, it all was.

Reid looked around, no one was here.

Just him and his dead neighbor.

Despite being in shock, he forced himself to call 911.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"This is SSA Spencer Reid, i need you to send police to Capital Plaza Apartments, apartment 23."

"What's your emergency, sir?"

"It's doctor, please. Oh, sorry, someone's been killed."

Reid probably sounded way too calm and causal to say a thing like that. He knew the person on the other end was probably puzzled at his calm tone.

"Did you kill this person, sir?"

"What? No- I heard a scream, followed by a gunshot, and walked out to see the body"

Reid didn't think about that, fuck- were they going to think he killed her, Reid looked down at the gun in his hand, fuck.

"Okay. I've sent a Unit, do you-"

Reid was for some reason getting pissed with this woman. "Victim is Adriana Ortiz, age 23, residence is apartment 32, Capital Plaza Apartments, she seems to be coming home from a night out, no pulse, COD is a single gunshot to the forehead."

Reid spoke the facts with a now annoyed tone, as he added. "No personal connection besides being neighbors." Reid leaned against the wall, it was what? 3 am? He was seriously too tired for this.

"Okay. Do you remember what time you heard the gunshot?" Reid swallowed. "2:49 am." He sighed, he heard the cops coming up the stairs.

"Sir have you been drinkin-" "No I have not, and it's doctor." Reid interrupted. "Unit should be there now." The call ended.

"Sir?" One of the cops asked, she was what looked like a middle aged African American woman. "Doctor." Reid corrected.

"Aren't you a federal agent?" She asked. The other cop, younger white man, was just staring at Adriana.

Reid tugged the note into the hem of his pants. "I haven't touched the scene at all." He sighed. "Can you give me the full story?" She took a notepad out, writing something down.

"2:49 am I heard a scream, followed by a gunshot. I got up, grabbed my gun-" he showed her it, only for her to immediately smack her hand onto the gun she had holstered. "I'm gonna need you to drop that." Reid did exactly that, slowly placing it down. He had never hated protocol more than now.

"Then I ran out to the hallway, where she was  posed exactly like that." He said it slowly, making sure she understood every word.

"You know the victim?" Trick question. He was a federal agent, and she was still trying to play tricks with him. "She's my neighbor, she lives in apartment 32." 

"We're gonna need you to come to the station." Reid took a deep breath, annoyed, tired, and lowkey pissed. "I need to call my supervisor." She stared at him, as if he was the guiltiest man on this earth. "You can do that at the station."

"Okay. Can I change first?" He gestured to his banana patterned pajama pants, and oversized black T-shirt. She shook her head as she answered. "I'm afraid that's not possible."


He was sitting in an interview room at 3 fucking am wearing his black converse, no socks, his pink pajama pants with bananas on, a giant black t-shirt and a sweatshirt with the zipper open.

This was ridiculous.

He had called Hotch, who said he was on his way.

He wasn't even arrested!



"You're in luck, the case has gone cold." Hotch explained as he stood up, in front of Reid who was sitting at the table.

Reid didn't respond. "You tell me exactly what happened, right now." Hotch was tired of Reid causing problems.

"At approximately 2:18 am, I got home, where I unlocked my apartment, dropped my bags in my bedroom, and got dressed for bed. I proceeded to lay, unable to sleep, from around 2:23 am, till 2:45 am, so 22 minutes. Then I heard a scream, followed by a single gunshot, I grabbed my gun that was located in my bedside drawer, and went to investigate, where I discovered the body, where I then called police."

Reid had explained this exact story to what? 7 different people now? He felt almost robotic saying it.

"That's the-" "Yes it's the exact story I've told the 911 operator, 5 officers, and you." Reid interrupted, crossing his arms. "Don't interrupt me." Hotch groaned.

"Now you explain to me why your DNA was found on her ear." Hotch slapped a piece of paper on the table.

Reid grabbed the paper from his pants, laying it on the table.

"This." Reid said simply, watching as Hotch examined it.

"I do not wish to shed a drop of blood, but 'I must fight the course.' Tis all that's left to me."

"John Wilkes Booth", Reid and Hotch said at the same time. "The man who had assassinated Abraham Lincoln, in 1865." Reid pointed at the note. "I made the connection an hour ago."

"What does 53 16 53 mean?" Hotch asked the obvious, his expression puzzled as he tried to make sense of what was going on.

"I don't know." Reid's voice was panicked as he made eye contact with Hotch.


A new book! :o

I simply could not continue the other without it going to nonsense, the storyline was changing, and continuing, so it made sense to just make a new book for another story.


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