Chapter Ten

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"What the fuck?" Morgan mutters as the knocking on the door continues.

He turns over, it's four am.

Reid is soundly asleep on his chest, snuggled and smiling in his sleep. Morgan gently nudges Reid to get him awake as the pounding continues.

The door is suddenly kicked down, lights blaring. It's all happening so fast, red dots on him and Reid, mainly Reid, orders being yelled, Reid waking up, then dragging Reid-

Morgan comes back to reality. They're dragging Reid. He barely got up before he was dropped to the ground, cuffs clicking, and him being dragged out in his pajamas.

Morgan, in nothing but boxers, runs after him, hands gripping him as he frantically reaches for Reid.

The ringing stops. Reid looks back at Morgan, god he looks so helpless. Morgan looks around, trying to get his questions answered. He walks out into the hallway.

Hotch, already dressed in a suit, is calling someone. "I tried to hold them off as long as possible."

Morgan, not even able to ask why Hotch is fully dressed at four in the morning, tries to get his questioned answered here.

"Put some pants on, we're leaving in 30." Hotch says as he speeds down the hallway. Morgan looks confused. "Minutes?"



"Where is he?" Garcia walks into the station.

"None of us are allowed to see him, besides Hotch." Morgan says, rubbing his hands on his temples, trying to wake up from this nightmare.

"What is going on?" JJ stands up. Nobody is even remotely presentable, probably because they were all woken up at four in the morning by SWAT raiding the hotel room.

"Morgan." His head snaps up at his name being mentioned, Hotch is standing in the doorway. He walks up to him, his expression unreadable. What the fuck is going on?

"You've got five minutes." Hotch gestures to the interrogation room Reid is sitting in.


Reid barely stood up before Morgan pounced on him. Hugging him so tight.

"What's going on?" Reid asked, returning the hug with the same intensity.

"I don't know." Morgan is mumbling, his tank top is definitely not clean, but in his defense he was in a hurry. You can't exactly blame him for not caring what he was wearing when his boyfriend was torn from their bed at two in the morning.

"Please tell me you don't know what's going on."

"I don't."


"I promise."

Morgan nods, not letting go, not before the door opens and an officer walks in.

"Officer." Reid addresses him. Still wearing his pajamas.

"I assume you know why you're here." The officer was a middle aged man, balding. He was nice, but Morgan had a weird nagging feeling.

"I don't." Reid answered, not sitting down. Not even when the officer did.

Morgan's heart dropped at the next sentence. "You're under arrest for the murder of Adrianna Ortiz."

"I'm sorry?" Reid stuttered, looking confused. Morgan felt his heart drop even further at what the officer said next.

"Your boss, Hotchner was it? He was the one to turn you in."


Short chapter, sorry.

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