Chapter Six

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"Briefing in the- sweet Jesus!"

Reid jumped from the sound of Prentiss' voice, instantly pushing Morgan off him and adjusting his tie.

"He was helping me with my tie."

"Through your tonsils?" Prentiss laughed.

Morgan cleared his throat awkwardly, pouring himself a cup of the now colder coffee.

"I won't tell, but keep the kissing at work down, Strauss is gonna catch you." Prentiss laughed as she walked off.

Reid shot Morgan a glare, or tried to, as Morgan didn't even make eye contact with him. Reid poked his shoulder, trying his best to act mad but instead he just looked like a pouty toddler.

"This is your fau- mhmm!"

Reid was interrupted as Morgan kissed him again, coffee evident on his tongue, eventually Reid leaned into it, only to be interrupted by another set of footsteps.

Morgan quickly let go of Reid, looking the other way. An agent walked by, Anderson.

Morgan gave him a brief 'good morning', while Reid was frozen. He punched Morgan's arm lightly.

"You're gonna get us caught you asshole!" Reid exclaimed in a loud whisper.

Morgan just chuckled, scoffing and walking towards the briefing room.

"Do not walk away from me!" Reid followed after Morgan.

"Right now you're the one who's gonna get us caught." Morgan spoke, causing Reid to stop walking. He huffed before entering the briefing room after Morgan.


Reid sat in front of Morgan on the plane, Prentiss beside him, and the blissfully unaware Hotchner in front of her.

Morgan reached forward, subtly stroking Reid's thigh, only to be met with his foot kicking his calf.

Morgan winced in pain, causing Prentiss to loudly snort. Hotch looked up from the case file, looking at all three of them before looking back at the case file.

He tried reaching for Reid's hand this time, only to be met with another angry kick to his already hurt calf.

Prentiss laughed again, Reid was still reading his book.

"What the hell is going on?" Hotch exclaimed with a loud sigh, looking up from the file with a scowl.


"Morgan pissed off Reid."

Hotch sighed again.

" we all know. Right?" Rossi spoke from the back of the plane.

Silence again.

"Know what?" JJ asked dumbfounded.

"That they're dating." Prentiss broke the silence, causing a glare from Reid.

"Who?" JJ asked again.

Prentiss sighed loudly. "Reid and Morgan."

"I did not know that." JJ's eyebrows rose to the top of her head.

Hotchner sighed loudly as he turned the computer in front of him around, Garcia was on the screen.

"What's the case?" Morgan asked.

"So two days ago Morgan Careman's wife Rosa disappeared from their home in Wimberley Texas, for the first 24 hours the police didn't treat it as a missing persons case, until Morgan busted into the police department yelling that 'he took her again', which caused an old serial killer case to come to the surface from 1980's, where the brothers Wilson had broken into homes, killed the parents and then kidnapped the girls." Garcia explained.

"And how does Rosa connect to the Wilson's case?" Hotch asked, looking through the file.

"Rosa was one of five girls to be found alive when the police arrested William and Benjamin Wilson." Garcia typed on her keyboard before speaking again.

"And one of the other girls, Olivia Mitchell was found dead three weeks ago, her throat was slashed."

"Garcia, wasn't that the same way the Wilson brothers killed the parents of the girls?" Reid asked, now looking in his own file.

"Ding ding ding, boy genius strikes again." Garcia replied. "The police didn't connect it since Olivia had turned to prostitution."

"Olivia wasn't reported missing?" JJ asked, standing up to walk closer to the computer.

"Nope. No family, no friends, nothing."

"The brothers Wilson were around in the 80's, right? How old would that make the girls now?" Hotch asked.

"Olivia was 49, Rosa is 45, the three other girls, Evelyn Ross is 45, Emma Marie Clark is 46 and Annabelle Morrison is 46.. wait, no, Annabelle died in 2004 in a car accident." Garcia added.

Reid wrote something down while speaking. "Do they all still live in Texas?"

"Yess... noo.. yes they do." Hotch sent Garcia a slight glare from the multiple incorrect responses.

"I'd like to speak with Rosa's husband when we arrive, do they have any kids?" Reid asked.

"Yes, they're all at the station currently."


Morgan nudged Reid's foot with his own, they were about an hour away from Austin.

"Baby." He mouthed to Reid, trying to get his attention. Reid looked at him, waiting for him to say what he wanted, which by the looks of it was just attention.

Morgan slid his phone across the table to Reid. He put his book down, confused by Morgan's worried expression. He grabbed the phone, looking at it with furrowed eyebrows. There had been a package delivered to Morgan's house.

Morgan saw his confused expression. "Did you order anything?" Reid shook his head. "I didn't either."

Even more confused now, Reid shrugged. "Maybe it's one of your neighbors who typed the wrong address."

Morgan shrugged, closing his phone and leaning back. After a few seconds he playfully nudged Reid's calf, just to see his face as he broke focus from the files.


Uh, surprise, I'm not dead✌️

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