Chapter Four

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Reid walked out of Hotch's office after a small talk, mainly regarding the Elijah situation where they agreed to keep the case open.

They had also talked about Reid's and Morgan's relationship. Where Hotch told them to just be careful.

Hotch have a nod towards the sea of desks in the main room, and Reid got up, trying to hide his excitement as he saw a particular person sitting on his desk.

Reid walked out the office.


Morgan's arms were immediately wrapped around Reid, in the middle of the BAU, yet he didn't care. Reid smiled into his shoulder, returning the hug just as tight as Morgan gave it.

"Don't do that again."

Morgan laughed, pulling back and ruffling Reid's hair.

"What? Get accused of murder?" Reid chuckled, his smile, that same smile Morgan swore he could fall in love with some day.

"Yes, preferably don't get accused of murder again." Morgan laughed as well.


"Buford? You wanna talk about Buford?"
Morgan was in absolut disbelief as he leaned against the counter in his kitchen. Reid had gotten out of his clothes and was wearing the clothes he had dropped off at Morgan's place a few nights prior, just in case he needed to stay over.

They had barely gotten inside before Reid dropped the bomb, not literal bomb, of course.

"I think it's a thing we need to talk about to make this relationship work!" Reid interrupted, sitting on Morgan's infamous counters.

"Buford is not a thing, Spencer, he's a man that destroyed lives." Morgan crossed his arms, trying to stay calm.

Reid looked at him with a worried look, 'worried for what?' Morgan thought to himself.

"I know, and I need you to talk to me about him, he's the reason you became an officer!-"

"Don't you dare give him that honor, Spencer." Morgan walked over, his calm demeanor gone, he didn't want to hurt Reid, he was his boyfriend for gods sake, but right now he just made Morgan so angry, on a level that was a rare sight in him. Reid sighed, crossing his arms.

"I would've become an officer either way, to honor my pops, not because of Buford." Morgan sighed.

"Derek, we both know-"

"No Spencer, you don't know shit about him, you read the file when we busted his ass, you didn't experience the abuse.. I did." Morgan was tearing up, he felt vulnerable.

"I will never know what it was like, i know that, but-"

"No, no I am not talking about this the fucking hour I get my boyfriend back after getting out of a fucking murder charge." Morgan squeezed his fists shut, before talking a deep breath and loosening up his fists again.

"When are we gonna talk about it, then?" Reid sighed, a look full of sympathy.

"The day you start speaking of the time you took Dilaudid."

Morgan walked out the room, furious. He went to the bathroom, locking the door and turning on the sink, splashing water at his face and looking in the mirror. He heard a knock on the door.

"Derek that isn't fair, I choose to take Dilaudid, you didn't choose for Buford to.." He couldn't say the words, his throat felt suddenly dry.

"Come out, Derek."

"I'll be there in a moment baby, I just need-"

He was interrupted by a loud banging on the bathroom door.

"No, you only start with the 'I just need' when you don't just need something, open the door Derek." Reid sighed, stopping his knocking.

"Spencer." Morgan sighed, leaning against the sink and looking into the mirror. It was quiet for a few moments before Reid spoke again.

"Derek I'm sorry- I shouldn't have brought him up today." Reid sighed, sliding down and leaning his back against the door.

"You shouldn't have." Morgan agreed, sitting down with his back against the door as well.

"No, I shouldn't have. You shouldn't have brought up Dilaudid either." Reid played with the strings to the hoodie he borrowed, well burrowed without Morgan's knowledge.

"I shouldn't have." Morgan agreed again, he loved how easy they could resolve fights like this.

"If I promise, to open up about my addiction when I'm ready, do you promise to open up about Buford when you're ready as well?" Reid asked, tired.

"I do."


Morgan laughed at that, smiling as he tilted his head back against the door, he heard Reid's laugh blend with his own.

"I do, pinky promise, pretty boy."

Reid blushed, he always did when Morgan called him that.

"If I make waffles for dinner will you stay over?"

Morgan asked, breaking the sudden silence.

"I would love that." Reid smiled.



It was silence for a moment.

"You know I would stay over even if you made frog legs for dinner, right?"

"Really?" Morgan chuckled.

"Yeah, but don't make frog legs, well they're actually a french delicacy, and actually rich in protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A, and potassium. But there's also a lot of myths about frog legs, with witches and demonic possessions."

Morgan enjoyed listening to his boyfriend rant about frog legs, it was utterly ridiculous, but he felt calm, he could hear Reid, but couldn't see him, and it exactly what he needed in that moment.

Morgan stood up, opening the door, Reid was still rambling about frog legs, and almost fell back onto the bathroom tile. He tilted his head, his rambling stopped as he smiled softly, standing up and wrapping his arms around him.

"I hate when you're mad at me." Reid mumbled into his shoulder, feeling Morgan's hands rub up and down his sides in a calming and comforting manor.

"I was mad for a solid 10 minutes, Spencer." Morgan laughed, wrapping his arms around Reid, hugging him tightly.

"13 minutes." Reid corrected, nuzzling close to him.

Morgan chuckled, just hugging Reid as he snuggled so close, Morgan feared he might creep into his skin at this point.

"I believe i was promised waffles." Reid finally broke the silence, not removing his tight attachment to Morgan.

"I think i'm gonna need both hands for that." Morgan laughed softly, placing a kiss to Reid's shoulder.

"Asshole." Reid muttered underneath his breath as he slowly but surely slid away from his boyfriend's warm touch.

"Foul language coming from someone who wants me to make him food." Morgan laughed, walking toward his kitchen, hearing Reid follow close behind.

"Get used to it." Reid laughed as well.

"Do i have to?"

"I think it's a part of my package."


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