Chapter Seven

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"I'm gonna dieee!"

Reid whined as he dragged his tired body into the hotel room he and Morgan were conveniently 'forced' to share.

Morgan, who was in fact carrying both their bags, rolled his eyes at the sheer dramatics of his boyfriend.


It was such a weird thought, to think this sweet innocent genius was his.
His to love, his to annoy, his.

"I'm gonna die!" Reid groaned again, being as dramatic as possible. He plopped down on the bed face first.

"You're gonna be fine." Morgan chuckled, dropping the bags down.

"I'm gonna die!" Reid groaned into the sheets. "Or maybe not, these are really good pillows."

Morgan grabbed Reid by the ankles, yanking him off the bed, making sure to catch him before he hit the floor.

"You're being dramatic love." Morgan wrapped his arms around Reid's waist, his hands resting on his stomach.

Reid groaned, laying his head against Morgan's chest.

"Sometimes your muscles piss me off more than your attitude does." Reid pouted.

"My muscles piss you off? The hell did Prentiss put in your coffee?" Morgan's brows furrowed as he rubbed his hands up and down Reid's stomach.

"You're so hard and tough and ugh!" Reid pouted again.

"I'm what now?" Morgan lifted a singular brow at Reid's pout, unable to stop smiling as he kissed the corner of it.

"You're the worst pillow ever." Reid crossed his arms.

"You're being mean." Morgan kissed the corner of Reid's mouth again, his arms tightening around Reid's waist.

"I'm not mean." Reid smiled at the kiss.

"You're so mean." Morgan kissed him, slow and sweet and full of love. "I should make you sleep on the couch for that."

Reid whined in protest, returning the kiss. Morgan then pulled back, walking over to his bag and opening it. He threw one of his shirts at Reid.

Reid caught it, somehow. He looked at it in confusion. "Why'd you pack me this?"

"Because else I'd hear your ass whining about it till I give you my shirt, and I'm not sleeping shirtless in the dead of winter." Morgan said playfully as he pulled his shirt off.

"Yeah I changed my mind, your muscles don't piss me off, never, nuh uh, never getting sick of that sight."

Morgan laughed loudly at Reid's rambling. He changed his pants, hopping into bed.

Reid followed suit quickly, changing out of his clothes with only a slight struggle, slipping on Morgan's shirt.

"Nirvana? Come on!" Reid whined as he looked at the shirt.

"You look adorable when you pout." Morgan commented as he got up to brush his teeth. Reid followed, opening his bag of toiletries.

"Can I tell you something?"

"Hm?" Morgan followed, looking at Reid through the mirror, foaming toothpaste on his lips.

"I've always wanted to be spun around like those Disney princess." Reid blushed, spitting out the toothpaste into the bathroom sink drain.

"Like Belle in beauty and the beast?" Morgan asked, spitting out the toothpaste as well, wrapping an arm around Reid's waist.

"Exactly like that. Is that weird?" Reid looked up at him.

"I don't think so." Morgan put both hands on Reid's waist, lifting him into the air, he walked into the bigger room, quickly doing a quick spin around with Reid.

Reid let out a squeak, his hands clinging onto Morgan by his shoulders.

Morgan was grinning as he placed Reid back on the floor, his hands still on his waist.

"You feel like a Disney princess?" Morgan asked. "I do." Reid replied.

"You're prettier than a princess to me." Morgan kissed Reid so eagerly, like he was kissing him for the first and last time. Reid smiled, returning the kiss happily.

He felt so greedy holding him like this, his hands on his waist, Reid was his. Just his.

"You know I was lying right? I'll never be sick or pissed with you." Reid pulled back, licking his lips subtly.

"Of course, it's impossible to get sick of me." Morgan smiled, carrying Reid the short distance to the bed.

"The time I've touched the ground must've at least been cut in half this year compared to last." Reid commented as he crawled under the sheets happily.

"I'm gonna keep lowering it, you know that? You're too pretty to touch the ground." Morgan held Reid close, turning off the night light.

"I like you lots." Reid yawned as he cuddled close to Morgan.

"I like you lots too." He kissed the top of Reid's head.


Reid was woken up with a loud knock on the door. He was completely wrapped in Morgan's arms.

He tried to get up, only to be met with a groan by the other.

"What?" Reid yelled, his voice groggy.

"Briefing in half an hour." Hotch yelled from the other side of the door.

"It's 4:37 am!" Reid complained as he tried to wiggle out of Morgan's grip

Hotch didn't respond, but he heard him walk toward the next room.

Reid kissed Morgan's cheek, poking his stomach in an attempt to wake him.

"Baby?" Morgan yawned, his voice groggy as well.

"Briefing in half an hour." Reid replied, smiling at the sight of his boyfriend.

"What time is it?" Morgan complained as he sat up.

"4:39 am."

"Jesus christ." Morgan rubbed a hand on his face to try and wake up.

Reid leaned in, trying to steal as much affection and kisses as possible, which caused Morgan to grin.

"What's got you so needy this morning?" He wrapped his arms around Reid, lying back down.

"I have a feeling I wont be able to for a while." Reid smiled as he got up.

"Ah." Morgan replied, pulling off his shirt as walking to the bathroom.

"Why do you always look hot when I can't do anything with you?" He whined as he followed him.

Morgan chuckled as he turned on the shower.


Woah, look at me. 2 chapters😱

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