Chapter Nine

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"Quiet, boy." The scruffy voice was nightmarish behind him. Morgan tossed and turned as memories flooded his mind.

"Derek?" Reid groaned as he was woken up by Morgan's moans, immediately concerned as he saw the sweat on his forehead.

"Derek." Reid whispered, gently shaking Morgan to try and wake him.

He woke with a jump, his eyes calming as he saw Reid.

"Are you okay?" Reid whispered worried, only to be tugged into Morgan's arms with a hard pull. Morgan held him tightly as his breathing calmed.


Morgan closed his eyes again, but didn't sleep. He couldn't.


"Hi love." Morgan smiled as Reid turned over.

"Mhm." Reid enjoyed the moment, snuggling up close, just enjoying the few seconds they had in bed before the nightmare of a case begun again.

"You're so affectionate." Reid smiled happily as he hugged himself happily in the nook of Morgan's neck.

"I woke you up half an hour earlier today." Morgan gently scratched Reid's scalp.

"God I should marry you."

Morgan chuckled at that, continuing to scratch his scalp, Reid smiled and hummed in pleasure.

"What's stopping you?"

"I don't know." Reid moaned, loving the head scratches.

Morgan grinned at the sound. "I could think of something better to do for the next half hour instead of just head scratches."

"You had a nightmare baby." Reid shook his head. "Tell me about that and I'll.. do that thing you wanted me to."

"That thing with your tongue?" Reid nodded. Morgan weighed his options, decided it was worth it.

"Buford." Morgan begun, lying on his back, flexing those gorgeous abs that had Reid hypnotized.

"I figured." Reid nodded, looking up at Morgan as he spoke.

"It was just memories." Morgan sighed, continuing to scratch Reid's scalp. Reid adjusting how he was lying.

"From the cottage?" Reid asked softly, providing reassuring kisses all over his collarbone.

"Yeah." Morgan sighed, swallowing hard. He gasped softly as Reid began sucking on his pulse point.

"Are you okay?" Reid asked as he pulled away for a brief moment, as soon as Morgan nodded his lips were everywhere on him again.

"You're hard already." Reid smiled at the reaction he was able to get out of Morgan with just a few kisses. Reid placed himself between Morgan's legs happily, hands feeling him out.

Morgan pulled back far enough to speak. "Let's get one thing straight, it's always gonna be hard around you." Morgan smirked as a flush covered Reid's face.

Morgan's fingers glided all the way down Reid's spine, tracing every curve before slipping inside his pants, gently rubbing where he knew he ached.

"Derek." Reid gasped, unable to breathe properly as he left sloppy kisses all over Morgan's face.

"I know baby, just hang on a moment." Morgan's voice was deep and scruffy as he reached for the lube he knew he packed.

He pulled his hand back, putting an excessive amount of lube on his fingers, before slipping off Reid's pants just enough to leave him bare.

Morgan's hand wrapped around his cock, Reid's mouth opened in a silent gasp, back arched as his nails dug into Morgan's chest.

"Haven't been able to get my hands on you for days." Morgan chuckled as he swallowed as many of Reid's moans he could with sloppy kisses. Every gasp, every moan and every breath belonged to him. He made his boy feel like this, it was him that was turning Reid into a putty mess right now, not anyone else.

His movements were slow, slick hand sliding up and down Reid's cock, squeezing enough to leave him breathless, but not in pain.

Morgan himself was achingly hard, desperate for any kind of relief. But he could wait, he needed to see this, he needed to see Reid fall apart in his hands.

"Close, baby?" Reid nodded, unable to stop the gasps and moans he was letting out, his hips moving on their own, thrusting into Morgan's hand.

"Slow down sweetheart." He smiled as Reid began sloppily grinding against his hand.

"I promised you I'd do that thing you wanted." Reid explained breathlessly, eyes hardly open any more as he was lost in pure ecstasy.

"You don't need to promise me anything darling, especially not when it comes to sex. You owe me nothing." Morgan spoke softly, and Reid swore he could've cried. He smiled as he sped up the movements of his hand.

"You look so pretty baby, trust me I'd love to see you do that thing with your tongue, but never feel obligated to do anything, you don't have to earn anything with me,  i'm all yours, no matter what." Morgan sighed as Reid nodded, shifting so Reid was on top of him.

"Keep talking." Reid whispered softly.

"About what?" Morgan asked, smirking at the roll of Reid's eyes as he gently pressed his thumb to the head of his cock.

"Just wanna hear your voice." Reid managed to get out, his lips trembling as he was right on the brink of pure ecstasy.

"Should I tell you have pretty you are? Or god how much I love your dimples? The way your nose scrunches when you think I'm nasty?" Morgan chuckled, letting out a breathy moan as Reid came all over his hand. Morgan placed a hand on the back of his neck, giving Reid several sloppy kisses as he guided him through his orgasm.

Reid, still trembling, opened his eyes, smiling as looked at Morgan. He pulled his hand carefully from the sheets, licking a bit of the cum off his hand, smirking as Reid's nose scrunched up in disgust.

"That's actually disgusting." Reid pointed out as Morgan wiped his hand on the towel nearby.

"Not when it's you." Morgan replied, giving Reid a forehead kiss before getting up to start the day.


I will not deny this being an apology chapter, because things are about to go downhill from here. Like downhill.

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