Chapter Five

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"Baby?-" Morgan muttered as he woke up to an empty bed, but the bedroom door was quickly opened.

"Good morning to you too." Reid smiled softly, standing in the doorway as his boyfriend stretched his arms, Reid watched in awe as he yawned.

"I feel creeped out when you're just standing there." Morgan propped himself up on his elbows, his upper back just barely lifted off the bed.

"You smell like an unpleasant mixture of sweat and laundry detergent." Reid's nose scrunched up for extra effect.

"Well excuse me for sweating when my boyfriend needs the heat setting to be at the same level as the sun." Morgan chuckled softly.

"The sun is 27 million degrees at its center, Derek, that's impossible."

Morgan rolled his eyes, still smiling as he patted the empty space beside him.

"You know what i meant." Morgan smiled wider as Reid climbed into the bed, wearing what he could only assume to be one of his t-shirts due to the size of it.

Morgan rolled onto Reid, pinning him under him, Reid tried to wiggle out of his grip, to no avail.

"You stink!" Reid protested, Morgan's hands pinned down Reid's upper arms with little to no effort.

"Take a shower with me then."

Reid flushed slightly, just staring up at Morgan.

"Pervert." Reid mumbled, trying to hide his obvious fluster.

"You think i wasn't serious?" Morgan smiled, placing a quick kiss to Reid's lips.

"I was hoping." Reid rolled his eyes, but then breaking out in a smile. Morgan pulled the hair from Reid's face.

"I need to get some things from my apartment." Reid smiled still, his arms still pinned above his head.

"You should just move in at this point." Morgan offered, his face just barely hovering above Reid's.

"The team-"

"The team knows sweetheart, you take the metro and we could just excuse it as you having a bad experience, and i pick you up every morning instead, Hotch will be none the wiser." Morgan placed a kiss to his lips, it was slow, almost torturously gentle, Morgan just barely moving his lips against Reid's.

"Maybe i should, but Garcia would find out someway and won't be able to keep quiet."

Morgan didn't think of that, he pulled back slightly, just staring in awe at his boyfriend's face.

"Do i have something on my nose?"

Morgan laughed, almost falling onto Reid, but managing to stay put.

"It's creepy when you stare like that."

Morgan pressed a kiss to Reid's jaw, barely a kiss due to his laughter.

"I'm just adoring your adorable face."


Morgan smiled, placing a peck to first his cheek, then his nose, then beginning to leave small, quick, teasing kisses all over his face.

"Adorable, cute, lovely, beautiful, pretty-"

"I get it! I get it!" Reid laughed, moving his face as if to try and catch the kisses Morgan was placing on his face.

When he finally did, he didn't want to let go, the feeling of Morgan's lips on his own was purely breathtaking, it wasn't like a fling, or quick, Morgan made sure to kiss him with every ounce of love he could.

"I like you lots." Morgan smiled against Reid's neck, placing a kiss to his jaw, then down to his neck.

"Lots?" Reid asked, tilting his head backwards slightly.

"A lot, you can't imagine how much."

Reid got up, a lovesick smile plastered on his face.




"I can't believe we get called in at this hour." Reid groaned, walking into the elevator with Morgan.

"Poor baby." Morgan mocked, laughing and smiling, but still reaching for Reid's hand, pressing the button to the sixth floor with his other hand.

Reid scoffed, looking away, but accepted Morgan's hand nonetheless.

Morgan's hand in his was such an amazing feeling, Reid's slender, pale and cold hands, fit perfectly with Morgan's bigger and warm hands. Morgan interlocked his fingers with Reid's.

"You're mean." Reid whined, looking at him with a soft smile he was desperately trying to suppress.

"I'm not mean." Morgan scoffed dramatically.

"You're unbelievably mean." Reid fired back.

"Who is it that listens when you want to rant about quantum mechanics at eleven pm on a weeknight?" Morgan raised an eyebrow. Reid thought for a moment, then the elevator dinged, signaling they were at the sixth floor.

"Well it ain't Santa Claus that much i can tell you." Morgan gave Reid's hand a final squeeze before letting go and walking out the elevator. Reid smiled and followed.

Reid had barely made it to his desk when Garcia came running.

"Spence! God you're alive!" She ran over and hugged him, sounding out of breath and incredibly worried.

"I was in a cell for barely three hours." Reid replied, but returned the hug nonetheless.

"Did they feed you? I swear if they laid a hand on you-" Garcia rambled, stepping back to look at his face, cupping Reid's face in her hands.

Reid shook free from Garcia's touch, still smiling.

"It was three hours, not three days, they didn't even have anything solid on me."

Garcia sighed dramatically in relief, grabbing the case files she had abandoned on a nearby desk when she saw Reid.

"Was it...?"

"Yeah it was Elijah."

Reid quickly excused.

"Briefing in five, got a bad one, you mind telling Morgan for me?" Garcia smiled softly to ease the tension. Reid nodded as Garcia walked off.

If Reid had to guess, Morgan would definitely plant himself near the coffee maker at this hour.

And would've known.

Morgan was not so patiently waiting for the coffee machine to brew. Reid walked over, standing beside him with a raised eyebrow as Morgan cursed.

"Piece of shi-"

He interrupted himself as he saw Reid burst out laughing.

"Okay, grow up." He scoffed, crossing his arms.

"You cursed out an inanimate object, priceless." Reid laughed, only for Morgan to pull him into the corner near the coffee maker.

Reid's back hit the wall as gently as possible, he was blushing like crazy already.

"We're at work!"

"It's a blind spot from the cameras, and it's already been 13 minutes, I feel neglected."

"You're not neglected."

"Uh huh, prove it."

Reid leaned forward, gently as possible pecking Morgan's lips, which caused Morgan to lean further forward, turning the kiss slightly more passionate.

Morgan grabbed Reid's tie, his eyes softly closing and a wide smile on his face.

"Briefing in the- sweet Jesus!"


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