Chapter Three

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The plane landed, and Morgan tried to call Reid.

He didn't pick up.

"Christ." Morgan immediately thought the worst.


Morgan tried calling again, he didn't pick up this time either.

He decided to then call Hotch.

"What in gods name do you need at this ho-"

"Is Spencer okay?" Morgan interrupted, walking through the bureau. He had grown used to using his boyfriend's first name.

"I told him not to conta- Well yes he's okay, probably asleep." Hotch groaned, a little annoyed.

"Didn't he come home like four hours ago?"

"He came home around an hour ago." Hotch corrected, swallowing to hide his disappointment with Reid.

"That doesn't add up." Morgan spoke the obvious, standing beside his desk, a stack of files waiting for him, but he would care about that tomorrow.

"There was some trouble regarding the murder of his neighbor."

"Reid got accused?" Morgan assumed, not believing it because 1. Reid would never hurt anyone unless he had to, and 2. if he did kill someone, he would undeniably get away with it.

"He was taken to the station as a suspect first yes, but after it was clear he didn't kill her, he was then treated as a witness."

Morgan scoffed, sitting on his desk in his office. "Sure he did."

"Morgan, he was treated as a witness when the evidence became clear that he was in fact a witness." Hotch sat up, Morgan knew by the small creaking sound coming from the phone.

"And i assume you treated him like that too?" Morgan looking around his office, his eyes landing on the picture of Garcia which caused him to crack a small smile.

"Of course i did, when the evidence-"

"Evidence my ass, it all adds up a little too well for Spencer to have killed her."

There was a pause.

"And Spencer would probably get away with it if he in fact did someone, he has a PhD in chemistry." Morgan let out a barely audible chuckle, but Hotch still heard it.

"You shouldn't joke about that."

"But i'm right."

"Doesn't mean you can joke about it."

"You didn't deny it."

"I- Well- because- i guess you're right but still."

Morgan chuckled again, louder.

"You told him not to contact me and believed he would listen to you?"

"If it was 6 years ago he would have."

"6 years ago Spencer would have cut off his pinky finger if you asked him to."

Hotch chuckled this time.

"I suppose you're right."

"6 years ago Spencer could barely carry a conversation with you." Hotch spoke again. Morgan smiled softly.

"And now we're here." Morgan stood back
up, walking around the almost empty office.

"I'm happy for you, alright? But there's a lot of things the director wouldn't like about it."

"Cross race, two men, coworkers.."

"Exactly." Hotch sighed.

"We'll be discreet."

"Don't get me wrong, i support you and whatever you are, but not everyone will."

"I know." Morgan sighed.

"Take care, i'll see you tomorrow."

"You got it boss." Morgan hung up.


About 30 minutes later Morgan was home.

His bed felt almost empty, despite him being in it.

He was missing a particular pair of lanky legs wrapped around him.

He was tossing and turning for a while, until he decided to just fix his issue by being a tiny bit selfish.

"It's 5 am." Reid groaned as he picked up the phone.

"I missed you too." Morgan chuckled.


"Hey you."

"Why are you calling me at the most ungodly hour of day?" Reid questioned.

"I needed to hear your voice."

"Mhm sure."

"And where is my Los Angeles Basket T-shirt, huh?" Morgan smiled, chuckling slightly as he knew exactly where it was.

Reid looked down, reading the words on the shirt he had borrowed without Morgan's knowledge. 'LA Street Basket '94'.

"I-I have no idea what you're talking about." Reid smiled too, trying to hide his slight stutter due to Morgan's laughter.

"Oh really, no idea whatsoever?"

"None whatsoever."

"I bet you look good in it."

Reid smiled, blushing slightly.

"I don't think i want to know what that stain in the middle of it is." He turned over, now lying on his left side.

"I don't even know what it is."

"I think your biceps permanently stretched it."

"And why is that?"

"It has a very strange stretch."

They both laughed, the silence after wasn't awkward. It was pleasant.

"When is Hotch making you come in?" Morgan broke the silence.


"I'll be there at 10."

"You don't have to."

"I want to, is that so bad?"

"You know Hotch is gonna be on your ass for breaking the one order he gave me?"

"He knew you wouldn't follow."


"I miss you already."

"I'm still here." Reid was smiling like a lovesick idiot.

"I miss you even when i'm with you, is that weird?"

"No, the human mind-"

"I'm not asking Dr. Reid, i'm asking Spencer." Morgan chuckled.

"Well- no- i don't think it is."

"I'll see you at 10 pretty boy."



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