Why Is It Always YOU?

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When Lilla was 12, her little sister Kiara died. Kiara was only 7 years old and was killed when Lilla and her were playing in the front yard. The ball rolled into the road and well, you now what happens next.

Lilla felt terrible because Kiara had wanted her to go get the ball, but she told Kiara she had to get it. Also, Lilla's parents favored Lilla over Kiara, so that made Lilla really upset. Her parents kept saying things like, "Thank God it wasn't Lilla".

For example, if Lilla had a music concert and the next night Kiara had a dance concert, the parents would go to Lilla's concert and the next night they would say they were to tired to go to the dance concert. Even if Kiara's concert was first, they would say the same thing and then go to Lilla's event.

Anyways, three months after Kiara's funeral, Lilla started having nightmares about her sister coming back and trying to harm her. Kiara was always saying the same thing but Lilla could never figure out what she was saying. It sounded like Ti Asw aLwaya ouy!

After a couple of weeks the nightmares stopped. Then one night she heard her door creaking. She looked up thinking it was her dog Lola but she saw nothing. Must be a breeze, thought Lilla as she tried to go back to sleep. Then she heard small foot steps and quiet sobbing. She looked up and saw a small girl with long tangled hair and red rimmed eyes. She was in a white nightgown holding a small teddy bear in her hand.

"Oh my gosh! Kiara is that you?", said Lilla very surprised. Kiara nodded and slowly walked up to Lilla and said in a quiet voice, "Ti Aws Lwaysa ouy."

"I'm sorry I don't understand", said Kiara, living bad memories again.
"Ti Aws Lwaysa ouy.", said Kiara louder.
"I-I-I don't U-U-Understand", said Lilla terrified.
"IT WAS ALWAYS YOU!!!", Kiara shouted.

When Lilla's mother came in the next morning, she found Lilla lying on the floor with her eyes gouged out, cuts all over her body and her eyes sown shut. But Lilla appeared to be 7 again and in the bed was Kiara, now 12 years old, crying and looking at her dead sister's body.

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