Creepy Car

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It was basically a normal day for me and my friend Jillian. She would come down to my house, we'd play sims for a little while and then we'd go outside and play softball.

After we were done playing softball we decided to go to the park. When we got to the park about 15 minutes later my brother pulled up and told me to come over to him. He told me that there was a guy driving around in a dark green car. He was old and he told us to watch ourselves and stick together. He was protective but I understood why. When I went back to the swings, my brother drove away and a few minutes later a dark green car pulled up to the dead end by the basketball court.

The man got out and just leaned up against the car while watching Jillian and I. We both stopped swinging and casually walked away. We heard his car door slam. After that we ran to my house and she ended up spending the night. At about 3 in the morning, being the retards we are we went outside and sat on my front porch while listening to my IPod. We were just talking when we saw head lights.

"Why would someone be driving at 3 in the morning?" Jillian asked me.
I just shrugged and the car came rolling down in front of my house. We thought it would keep going but it came to a complete stop.
"Hi girls,I believe I've lost my dog. He's small, white and fluffy. Would you come help me find him?" The man asked in a sweet voice.
Jillian and I both did what any elementary school will teach you. Don't talk and just walk away. We walked into my house and the car sped away down the road. We went to bed and didn't speak about the man for the rest of the night.

In the afternoon we decided to go into my neighbors backyard and hit softballs. We were almost done with our game when the man came walking through the gap separating my neighbors houses.
"Good news girls, I found my dog." He said walking closer to us.
Jillian dropped her bat and we ran. I didn't dare drop the baseball bat. The man chased after us and he wasn't exactly the fastest person alive.

We kept running till we reached my shed. The man wasn't anywhere in sight so Jillian and I ran in and pushed anything heavy up to the door. There was a small gap in the roof that let in enough sun for us to see each other. We crawled over to a corner that was surrounded by crates and hugged each other and cried. Suddenly we heard footsteps by the door. He was murmuring to himself. It was low but it was definately him. After about a half hour of not hearing anything outside we pushed everything back and ran in my house. While locking all the doors and windows I called my mom at work and on her cell and she didn't answer. Neither did my dad, or my brothers.

We both sat in my house alone with all the lights and TV's off. We sat in silence till Jillian's mom came and picked her up. After 5 minutes of being alone and panicking my mom came home. I was quiet for the rest of the day.

That was just two weeks and today I had an early dismissal. I sat in the room they make you wait in and up on the board of sex offenders was the man that followed us. There was know stamp on his paper that said he was caught. Thankfully he hasn't come around since then and I pray he stays away.

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