Nevada Murder

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When I was about 9 years old my family took an RV vacation across the US. We started in California and ended in Virginia. But on our second stop, things got strange.

We stopped in Nevada at an RV park on our second night. There was a huge parking lot and a little service building in the middle of this asphalt wasteland. There were only four other RV's there, so it was lonely. I decided to wander around with my dog Tank. It was about 10:00 at night and real dark out. Tank and I ended up at the service building. We walked around it and all of a sudden Tank started to growl. This is unusual because Tank isn't afraid of anything and he certainly doesn't growl.

He ran back to the RV and I wanted to know what was going on. So I slowly walked around to the back of the building. I peered around the corner and saw a shadow of a very tall person, or something of that resemblence. But the scary thing was that there was no one there. I continued to stare as the shadow got closer to where I stood. My first thought was "ok, now you have to run away" but I couldn't. As it got closer, I saw it was holding a piece of glass with a bloodstain on the end. That's when I comprehended that I had to get out of there. So I ran as fast as I could back to the RV. My parents were already asleep so I didn't wake them.

The next morning, I thought I had dreamed the whole shadow encounter. But when I stepped outside, I saw the flashing lights of ambulances and police cars. There was a couple who were crying and talking to the police. I asked my parents, who had been out there and were watching this all take place, what had happened. They told me that the couple's son had murdered a 21 year old girl working at the service building. She had been stabbed behind the service building.

I glanced over at the police and started feeling a little woozy. I saw a cop carrying an evidence bag, containing a long shard of bloody glass. I nearly fainted.

Just so you know, this is all true. I know it happened and I will remember it forever.

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