Rose Dolls

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Dead horses, this was the second time I've dreamt of them. The ceiling above was pale and white. I realized this as I stared at it for several minutes, laying in bed silently. Dead horses in your dreams means that something in your life that initially offered you strength is now gone, or is about to be gone. But what could it be?

After slipping on some jeans, socks, an undershirt and a college sweatshirt, I headed down the carpeted stairs. "Good morning, Violet," my mother called from the kitchen. "I have a surprise for you."

I headed into the kitchen. The first thing I noticed was a large, wooden box
sitting on the table. It's edges were designed with golden roses, and a golden keyhole was in the center of the side, where you open it.

"What is this?" I asked, running my finger along the box's surface, only to find dust covering my fingertip. "It's a welcoming gift that the lady at the antique store gave to us. She gave it away for free." She smiled warmly as she chopped tomatoes on the cutting board.

I looked around the table. Where's the key to open it? "The key..." I mumbled to my mom. She pulled
out a crimson red and golden key from the pocket of her apron and handed it to me. "Take it up to your room." Her voice was serious as she said this. "Now." I nodded and picked up the large box in my arms, slowly making my way up the stairs. It felt like 10 years had past by the time I reached my bedroom.

What is in this thing that makes it so heavy? "Let's see what's inside," I murmured to myself. I gently slid the key into the keyhole before turning it, hearing a loud CLICK. The lid slowly opened with a creaking sound. I was surprised by
what was inside the box, though.

Dolls! The inside of the box was white and cushioned, but laying in it were 4 dolls. They weren't normal dolls, either. They were large, fancy, porcelain dolls and they looked very realistic.

Each of them had on an elegant dress. The first one had a red dress. The second had green, the third had beige, and the fourth had black. But, on each of their necklaces, there was a small, red rose.

I picked up the first one, stroking its blonde hair that was in a long braid. The hair felt so real! It's silver eyes stared back at me, making a shiver go down my spine. I set it back in the box and lifted the second one.

It's long, brown hair flowed all the way down to its feet. It's eyes were a deep green. The third had white, curly hair, with matching icy blue eyes. But it was the last one that intimidated me! It's cherry red hair was weaved into two braids that laid down it's shoulders. And it's eyes were a deep brown, almost black.

Four beautiful and life-like dolls, each with little white gloves on their hands and black, shiny shoes. What could I possibly do with these
dolls? Play with them? I'm 16, for crying out loud! So I closed the box and slid it under my bed before setting the key on top of my dresser. Then I looked at the clock, it was time to go.

* * *

I knocked on the door of my boyfriend's house. It was only a couple of blocks down the road. We have been dating for two years, but we have never been intimate. He opened the door, his blue eyes staring at me happily, and his dark hair in a wonderfully curly mess.

"Hi, Vi!" He took me into his arms, guiding me into the house before closing the door with his foot.
"Hi, Daniel," I smiled sheepishly as he set me down on the carpeted floor. Then he kissed me gently, brushing his fingers against my cheek. That's when I knew what he wanted. I pulled away, my cheeks turning red.

Immediately his phone rang. I grabbed it from off the the end table next to the couch and answered it. "Hello?" I said politely.
"Don't come back here!" Mom screamed into the phone, fear ringing in her voice. "Run away as far as you can!" I was about to respond before Daniel interrupted me.

"Stop," I hissed under my breath before trying to speak normally. "Mom, what's going on?"

"They're real, Vi! And--" Then there was static.
"W-Wait!" I shouted into the phone.

Daniel, I have to go."
"No," He said weakly before smashing his lips against mine. But,as much as I wanted to stay, I had to go home.

"My mom is in trouble!"
"What do you mean, Vi?" His voice was gentle now.
"She's being attacked. I don't know who or what it is, but I have to save her." Before he could respond, I opened the door and darted
outside. I ran as fast as I possibly could and it felt like only 10 seconds before I reached my house.

It was silent there. All the lights in the houses on our street were turned off, but the moon still shone brightly. I opened our front door and stepped inside slowly. The house looked the same, though. It was still clean and everything, but I wasn't fooled.

Tap. I heard tapping from the kitchen. It was dark in there. Tap again. I slowly walked toward the kitchen, reaching my hand to the light switch. Tap. Thud. Fear overcoming me, I flipped the light switch on.

There was blood, blood everywhere! The white surface of the counters was covered in blood, and so was the cabinets. There was something on the table, too. It was a torn up body. My mom. "NO!" I screamed, dropping to my knees as realization hit
me like a wave. She's dead. Dead!

Thud. Thud. Thud. I turned my head slowly to face the stairs, seeing movement coming from the darkness. Thud. Thud. THUD!!! A head dropped from the last stair step and rolled, landing right in front of me. It was my next door neighbor.

I stood up and stepped backwards, my arms shaking from the sight. "Wh-what's going on?!" I shouted. "Where are you? Show yourself!"

There was no response, just silence. It was clawing at my ears. I began to walk up the stairs, my footsteps silent on the soft carpet. As I reached the top of the stairs, I heard a door slam shut.

My shaking legs forced me to turn into the hallway, but I stopped immediately. Bodies! Dead bodies were nailed to the side of the walls, all the way down the hallway. Blood seeped onto the floor from their chests.

I screamed, tears streaking my cheeks as I walked down the hallway, careful not to touch them. But as I opened my bedroom door and shoved it open, a pain emerged in my head. Like something hit me. I fell onto the ground as my bedroom door continued to slowly open, my eyes closing. But I forced them open for one last second as blood dripped down my forehead. The only thing I saw, in my bedroom, were the four dolls, standing in a perfect row and smiling at me.

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