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Hello. I just wanted to list this item because it's causing my life to be a living hell.
Let me first start off by letting everyone know that I don't believe one bit in the supernatural, voodoo, witchcraft, or religion for that matter; and although I cannot explain what has been happening in my home, I would just assume get rid of this thing, nevertheless.

I don't know much about this doll. My wife & I went to a garage sale a few months ago, when our 3 year old daughter pulled it out of a chest of strange looking items. The doll looked harmless enough, but when I examined the back of it, I noticed strange symbols all over it. I asked the lady who was running the garage sale what the symbols meant, if anything. I had a hard time understanding her as she let me know that she was from Iran. The best I could tell is that the doll was handmade in Iran also, and that the symbols were merely some sort of Iranian legend. My wife felt a bit weary about letting our daughter have a doll with such strange markings on it, and what others would think if they saw them as well. I told her that it was just a doll, and offered to purchase it. She replied that she didn't know how the doll had gotten into the chest, and that it wasn't for sale, but when I told my daughter that she couldn't have it, she began to cry hysterically. We headed back to the car to find the lady running up behind us. She handed my daughter the doll.

I was thrilled, as was my daughter, but when I tried to ask her how much I owed her, she replied, 'No charge, you just go quick.' I thanked her, and we got into our car & were about to leave when a man came blazing out of her garage and stood in behind the car, preventing me from leaving. I had to get out and ask him to move. He said he would, just as soon as he got back what was not rightfully sold. I asked him if he meant the doll. He told me yes, and that he wanted it back. He exclaimed that it wasn't a kid's toy, and that I had no idea what I had. I apologized and tried to get the doll back from my daughter, but she wouldn't hear of it; pulling & gripping the doll. Soon after, the lady running the garage sale came to the car and told us to just take the doll, but the other gentleman refused, saying she had no right to sell it to us, and then just started arguing with her in another language, probably in Arabic.

I couldn't believe how infuriated the gentleman was getting. He was outright yelling at her, and told her to go inside, and that he would, 'take care of this.' She refused, and told us to leave, quickly, and told the man that he did not deserve the doll, whatever the hell that meant. Finally, he barked at me, yelling, 'GIVE ME THE DOLL, NOW!' I told him that I had no problem giving him back the doll, and to calm down, and that I just needed to get it from my daughter. The man soon seemed a bit out of breath, and his wife, or whoever she was, told him he needed to take his medication. He told me NOT to leave, as he blared into the house. Needless to say, I didn't want to stick around, so I one last time tried to retrieve the doll from my daughter, but she was having a fit. The lady told me, 'Please, just go. Take the doll; take good care of it. Now, please go, before he returns.' I took the doll, and sped away, wondering what the heck had just happened, and why he wanted the doll so badly.

Now, all of this happened a few months ago, and this is how I remember it all to the best of my knowledge. But what was about to come of the next 3 months or so would make me think entirely different about why that man wanted the doll back so badly. My daughter slept with the doll every night, and even named it, 'Dolly', when after only a week, a few strange things began to happen. First, our daughter began waking up in the middle of the night, screaming because of bad dreams.

As parents, we took this as normal because of the fact that all kids have nightmares in the middle of the night. The problem was, that she went from having maybe one every week, to one every night, to several each night. We began to let her sleep with us at night, but then realized that we all started having weird dreams; scary dreams. Now like I said, I don't believe in all this mumbo-jumbo stuff, and I believe to this day, that these dreams were psychologically induced because of all that had been happening, but when my daughter started explaining her nightmares to my wife, they were extremely similar to her own nightmares; dreams of giant, hideous worms coming up from the ground, and pulling their victims (my wife & daughter) into the earth.

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