Haunted Yellowstone

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Haunted Yellowstone

My brother told me this story when I was younger. He said that it's true.

In Yellowstone National Park there was a huge fire. Some park rangers went to scout the area and to get all the visitors out of the park. When they were done, the park rangers met back up and noticed that one of them was missing. "Has anyone seen Rick?" one of them asked, who happened to be one of his best friends. They all answered no. Nobody ever found Rick's body. People figured he fell into the fire and was killed.

A few years went by and things started disappearing from a little village, nearby to where the fire happened. Rick's friend was still a park ranger and decided to check it out with another ranger.

They decided to try to catch this thief red-handed. An old lady made a pie and sat it on her windowsill as bait. The rangers sat in some bushes nearby, while they waited for the thief. But they got drowsy as they sat in the hot sun for hours and they fell asleep.

They woke up to find that the pie had been stolen. It was on the verge of night as they stood up to find the culprit. They saw little holes in the dirt as if a chicken had walked through there. They led into the woods.

The rangers rounded up a team and went searching the next morning. They searched hard, until finally they found a small clearing, that was a landmark for the fire. Two of the park rangers approached to where it was. They saw a figure hunched over chewing on a pie. One of the park rangers gasped making the figure turn around.

It was Rick. The sight was horrible. His skin was almost all burned off. His eye's looked like fire. His legs were gone from the knee down, leaving bloody stumps. His hair was all wild and his fingernails were long enough that how he got around was he would just dig them into the dirt and drag himself. He inched over to his friend, cackling and mumbling. "You left me alone to die in that fire. You have to pay!" he said.

His friend didn't move, he couldn't move. The other park ranger grabbed him and started running. But not before Rick grabbed his friend and started to drag him away. As the park ranger ran out of the woods he could hear the sound of bones crunching and agonizing cries. When he finally got back to the village he was half mad. He wandered around mumbling that he was going to get you if you weren't careful. Nobody believed him of course.

Now if you go to that same spot you will see Rick munching on his friend and getting revenge on anybody who didn't help him through that fire.

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